Katie McGrath - Older Sister

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AN: DO NOT READ as it contains physical and mental abuse.

"I fucking told you that I didn't want any visitors over

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"I fucking told you that I didn't want any visitors over. The apartment is a fucking mess. You really think that it's a good idea to bring anyone over to this dump."

"Jacob, I...."

You flinch as he raises his hand at you. He laughs and kicks at the can of soda he had on the floor.

"Better start cleaning. I want this apartment spotless. I don't care if your sister is the one visiting us. I don't want anyone to think that we're slobs, got it?"

You nod quickly and rush to the kitchen to grab a few paper towels to clean up the soda that had spilled. You were hesitant to get down and clean it as it was near his foot and you were afraid of getting kicked.

"Quit being useless and start cleaning. You have 2 hours to make this place shine."


You finish cleaning everything with 30 minutes to spare but you were exhausted by the end. You took a seat to catch your breath just as your boyfriend walks in.

"Lazy. I take my eyes off of you for a second and you start thinking that you can do whatever you want. Who pays the bills? Who's the one who makes sure that we still have a roof over our heads."

Katie had given you the apartment as a graduation gift and he had barged in after the second week of dating him. You wanted to say that it was your sister but you knew you were going to get beaten if you talked back to him.

"huh? Have you forgotten already? Do you need me to remind you?"

"N...no. You're the one who pays everything."

He nods and looks around the place, finding it spotless.

"Guess you are still good for something. See what you can do when you have someone giving you orders?"

He smiles and leans in to kiss you.

"Lets go pick up your sister. We don't want to be late."


"I said lets go pick up your sister."

You sigh and nod. You hadn't even gotten a chance to change out of your dirty clothes and you just hoped Katie wouldn't notice anything.



Katie ran up to you as she noticed you at the airport entrance with you boyfriend. You wanted to run over and hug her halfway but Jacob would've gotten upset if you embarrassed him in front of everyone.

"Katie, you're here"

You said with a smile.

Katie immediately noticed something was off. Your usual happy self had basically disappeared and the boy that stood besides you gave off weird vibes. She isn't liking his first impression of him as he clears his throat to grab their attention.

"Katie, this is Jacob"

"You're the famous sister. It's nice to family meet the talent in the family."

He laughs thinking he had made the funniest joke but Katie gives him look of disgust. Did he just seriously talked you down in front of her.

"and your the boyfriend."

"That I am. Lets go. I'm starving, I can't wait to see what (y/n) cooked for us."

Katie looks to you but you just avoid her eyes. You could already tell what she thought of him and it wasn't good.


Jacob was furious when he realized that you hadn't cooked anything. His jaw and fists were clenched but he had a smile on his face.

"(y/n), could I talk to you for a second?"

"I nee..."


Katie looks to Jacob and then to you. She couldn't believe that you were letting him talk to you like that.

"(y/n), are you just going to let him talk to you like that."

"It's fine, Katie. I'll be right back."

The two of you walk off to your bedroom, leaving Katie in the kitchen.


"You embarrassed me! I told you I wanted this place ready.."

"I didn't have ti.."

"I had it enough with you. You think that because your sister is here that I'm going to take it easy on you? No, you were doing so well. I'm not going to let her influence you."

He starts punching any place that your clothes cover as he shuts your mouth with his hand. He wanted to teach you a lesson but he needed to make sure that your sister didn't hear.

Katie was worried. The two of you had been in your bedroom for a while. She didn't trust Jacob at all and she honestly believed that he was abusing you. As she hears the sound of glass breaking, she grabs a knife and rushes to your bedroom.

"Get off of her!"

"This doesn't concern you!"

"Yes it does. She's my sister, you fucking asshole! Leave the apartment or I'll use this knife to force you out."

"Calm down. Just put the knife down."

"No. Now get the fuck out. Now!"

Jacob lets you go and makes his way out with his hands up in the air. She follows him out and locks the chain and door before making her way back to you.

"It's okay, (y/n). He's gone now. I'll make sure he never lays a hand on anyone."

All you can do was nod since everything was hurting. Katie laid down besides you and let your head rest on her lap while she dialed the police for help.

"Everything is going to be okay, (y/n). I have you."

She whispers to you.

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