Olivia Benson/Amanda Rollins - Breakup

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"(y/n)! Dinner is ready!"

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"(y/n)! Dinner is ready!"

Olivia yelled at you, wondering why you still hadn't shown up after calling you almost 10 minutes ago.

"You don't want me coming up there if you don't listen to your mother. You know how important these family dinners are, (y/n). We hardly get to spend time together as a family."

Amanda adds. Still no answer. The two of them give each other worried look. This was unlike you. Wanting to see what was going on, the two of them turn off the stove and make their way up to your room. When they arrive, they find the room locked. Something that you hardly ever did unless you didn't want to be bother.

"Honey, what's going on? You haven't said a word to us."

Olivia knocked on your door, hoping you would answer but still nothing.

"Sweetheart, we're worried. Please open the door."

Amanda pleaded with you. With you not answering either of them, you decided to use their last measure, picking your lock. Olivia uses one of her bobby pins and quickly opens the door to reveal you sleeping with tear tracks on your cheeks. You had obviously cried yourself to sleep. Wanting to get to the bottom of it, they both sat on the edge of your bed and quietly woke you up.

"(y/n), honey, wake up."

You turn around, not wanting to wake up. You had always been a heavy sleeper so it was nearly impossible to wake you up. Neither of them gave up on their quest to wake you up until you finally did. Amanda gave you a warm smile as she ran her fingers through you hair.

"Morning sleepy head, you fell asleep on us."

"M'sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. We know that you didn't do it on purpose. Is everything okay, (y/n)?"

You should've known that nothing would get past them. You sat up to lean against the bed and pull your knees up.

"(ex's name) broke up with me."

"Oh love, we're so sorry. Come here."

The two of them give you a tight hug, only letting go when you started to gently push them away.

"Is it okay to ask what happened?"

"She just said that our time was up and then left."

Amanda gave Olivia a warning look, already knowing that her wife was planning on doing something to your ex for hurting you. Olivia rolls her eyes and focuses back on comforting you.

"Well she didn't deserve you. You're far better off without her. Lets go out for dinner, it'll help take your mind off of her."

"I don't want to go out, mom."

"Then lets stay in. We can all pile up on the couch to eat and watch movies. How does that sound?"

It sounded better than going out and although you wished to be alone, you took them up on their offer, they were only tying to make you feel better.

"Great! Come on, it just so happen that we made your favorite."

Hearing this, brings a small smile to your face. Your mothers hardly had the time to cook your favorite so it was a treat whenever they cooked it for you. Your evening was already turning out to be much better than the morning.

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