Avalance - Yells

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Sara and Ava had ended up adopting you after they ended up encountering you during one of their missions

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Sara and Ava had ended up adopting you after they ended up encountering you during one of their missions. Neither of them could part with you after getting to know you better.

You really liked Sara and Ava but you couldn't help but feel like they had adopted you out of pity. When they learned that you were an orphan, they treated you differently. You never liked for people to pity you because of your lack of parents. This made you start to resent them. They weren't any different than the people that gave you food whenever they spotted you in the street. So you started to rebel just to get them to take you back home.

"I don't understand what happened, (y/n)? Did we do something to upset you? Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what, Ava? Maybe I finally grew comfortable to act like myself around everyone."

"No, that's not it. You're acting out because of something we did or something that we didn't do."

"You don't know me! You haven't known me since birth. The two of you will never understand me. You're not my parents!"

You expected for the two of them to get hurt over this but they surprised you when the two of them pulled you into a hug. No one had ever done. The first sign that you showed of being a troublemaker, they kicked you out.

"We do know you, (y/n). You're still the same person that helped us during our mission. We'll get to the bottom of whatever is troubling you so we can get past this and become a family."

You trashed against their hold but they refused to let go. The longer the hug continued, the less you struggle until you eventually broke down in tears. They whispered comforting words and didn't stop until you had fallen asleep in their arms.


You wake up to find yourself alone in your bed. You're suddenly filled with guilt as you remember what you had told Ava and Sara. They had been nothing but nice to you and you had fucked up. Wanting to apologize for your behavior, you make your way out of your room in search of them.

"Ava? Sara? Could I talk to you?"

You asked them when you find them talking to them team at the command center. They nod as the rest leave.

"I..um wanted to apologize for what I said. I didn't mean to hurt either of you. I'll understand if you want to take me back."

"(y/n), we're not going to take you back because of what happened. What matters is that you apologized."

You looked down at your feet as you nod.

Ava tilts your chin up with her hand so you could look at them.

"We forgive you, (y/n). Do you want to talk about what led to that?"

"I thought the two of you had adopted me out of pity. I wanted for you to kick me out so I wouldn't have to deal with the pitying looks."

"We didn't adopt you out of pity, (y/n). We adopted you because neither of us could bare parting from you after the mission."

You give them a small smile. Making them return a smile back at you.

"Lets just put this behind us. Please come to us when something bothers you rather than keep it to yourself."

You nod quickly, not wanting a repeat of what happened.

"Good, lets go get something to eat before Ray starts to preparing those nasty smoothies."

The three of you make a face as you rush to the kitchen.

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