Merrell Twins - Protective

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"A filmed sister date? Can't we just go to the mall without filming the trip?"

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"A filmed sister date? Can't we just go to the mall without filming the trip?"

"Nope, you said you were going to be on our next YouTube video and this is it. It'll be fun, you barely even have to talk."

You raised your eyebrow at them, not quite believing them. They had a habit of lying how much you'll end up being involved in the video.

"Fine. But you guys are paying for my things. Can't believe that I'm agreeing for the world to see what I shop for."

They gave you a tight hug and then led you their car. You're barely putting on the seatbelt when you hear Veronica start their usual introduction. You pay them no attention, simply just pretending to be on your phone while they explain what the video would be about and so on.

"And this is our sister, the one who highly dislikes coming out on our videos but does enjoy when we buy her things."

"Hey! I buy you things too!"

"Yeah, yeah. But you only agreed to come with us because we're buying you things."

"Well who can say no to a free shopping trip."


You're browsing through the shorts section as you hear Veronica and Vanessa talk about everything the three of you had ended up buying. It's been almost two hours since the two had arrived at the mall and they had yet to stop filming their video. When you hear them stop talking to the camera, you head towards them.

"Did you guys get everything for your video? I'm kind of hungry."

"We're done. Lets go get some food."

Before they have a chance to change their mind, you rush to the food court, happy that you were finally going to get food after getting hungry almost an hour ago.


The three of you had split to buy your own food since you were craving Chinese and they wanted some fast food. You had texted them where you were sitting and patiently waited for them to take a seat so the three of you would finish at the same time.

10 minutes pass and they still haven't come to the table. The last message that Vanessa had texted you was that they were waiting for their food but it couldn't have taken them longer than a few minutes. Wanting to investigate where they could possibly be, you left your food unattended and headed to where they were buying food.

"Oh come on, just give us your numbers. Shouldn't we get points for being brave enough to come up to you and ask for them."

Vanessa and Veronica were clearly trying to make themselves as small as possible to avoid getting more attention than they were getting. The guys were clearly trying to corner them and no one was stepping up to help them. Some were just feeling and the rest were just staring to see how it would play out.

"No, you guys don't get shit. Leave my sisters alone or I'll happily call the cops on the two of you."

The guy smirks as he looks at you.

"Can I get your number then? It'll be their loss."

You roll your eyes at them and pull out your phone to call for help. The guys turn pale as they see you pull out your phone. They assumed you were bluffing about calling the cops but you really weren't. Before you're able to press the dial button, the guys rush out of the restaurant.

"Are you guys okay?"

Veronica and Vanessa rush to hug you tightly. It breaks. your heart to see them this upset but all you can do at the moment is just hug them back.

"Come on, we'll pick up our favorites and have a sleepover. We haven't one in so long."

This cheered them up a little and the three of you headed back to the car to grab some takeout for the sleepover.


Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any celebrity or character.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Nia Nal - Siblings Part 2

Kara Danvers - Adopted


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