Chapter 23

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School seemed to drag on today, well it usually feels that way when I'm away from Embry. But school helps me blend in better, even if I graduated loads of times. The ways of learning have drastically changed over the years, I've learned numerous ways to do math equations, some tricky while others are very simple. Anyway back to the boring school day, the morning dragged on but finally it was my favorite period of the day. Lunch.

I sat at my usual lunch table which now included Alice, Jasper and Edward. It was a struggle not to re-kill Edward everytime I looked at him, and I don't really forgive him after what he did to Bella. Though Alice and I have become close much to the packs disliking, but they'll get over it eventually.

Poor Jake however is devastated because Edward won't let Bella see him and it's hurting them both. I was brought back to Earth when the delicate tones of Alice filled my ears.

"I'm throwing a party for graduation!!" She exclaimed before the others gushed about finally seeing her house. Bella and Edward were skeptical about it but then Alice became dazed, seeing a vision. I knew Edward saw it but he'd never tell Bella so I'd have to ask Alice about it later.

Another thing that was worry us was some new born vampires that were popping up in Seattle, they seemed to be growing in numbers, like an army of some sort. The Cullen's are planning to sort it out before they make it to Forks.

After school I made my way to Emily's it was like a second home to me at this point and the boys all rushed outside after hearing my truck pull up.

"Aunty Nyrah," Claire yells toddling over to me as big smile on her face, she pulled on my pant legged glancing up with big chocolate eyes "Uppie," she states reaching her arms up making grabby motions.

"Hey Claire bear," I say scooping her up in my arms planting a kiss on her forehead as she nuzzled her head into my neck as we walked inside the house, the boys following like personal body guards, which in a way they kind of were.

"Emmy says you magic!" She says as we sat down at the table and I placed her in my lap a smile on her face.

"Yeah but it's our secret alright," I say and she nods holding out her pinkie which I gladly locked with mine.

"I pwomise," she says letting out a giggle.

She was the cutest little girl on this planet and the whole pack just adores her especially Quil he's grown attached to her and was always playing games outside with her or going for walks on the beach, he's like a big brother to her.

To prove to Claire of my magic, I told her to place her tiny hands faced upwards on the table then closing my eyes I imagined something appearing in her hands. Then I heard her gasp and opened my eyes to see a stuffed chocolate brown wolf resting in her hands. It looked just like Quil's wolf.

She picked it up and hugged it to her chest cuddling it before scurrying over to Quil and hopping into his lap.

"Lookie, it like your wolf," she says having known about the boys abilities. Because of her age most people will just dismiss it as her active imagination.

"It's lovely princess," he says as she cuddled into him clutching the wolf like her life depended on it. Their bond was adorable and Quil was actually really good with kids.

"How was school love?" Embry asks smiling at his best friend interact with his imprint.

"Oh you know boring as usual, I fought the urge to hurt Edward. Alice is throwing us a graduation party and if I have to see Bella and Edward making out one more time I'm going to puke or wash my eyes with holy water," I exclaimed causing them to laugh. Just then Seth and Leah came through the door.

"Nye!!" Seth yells seeing me sitting at the table, a big smile on his face. Its good to see him all happy again after everything that's happened these last few weeks.

"Sethy!!" I yelled back getting up pulling him and his sister into hugs. Leah has sort of grown on me and we've become instant friends, she can be blunt at times but after everything she's been through I really look up to her.

Jared and Paul have been quiet this whole time and sort of dazed, no doubt thinking about their imprints. It's adorable, at least to Emily and I but not to the other guys. Sometimes they don't hear whats being said to them and we have to repeat ourselves.

Sam, Embry and Quil know what it's like to imprint but even they don't walk around with their head in the clouds, hopefully they go back to their normal selves.

"I miss grumpy Paul and pack mom Jared," I sighed looking over at them but then realized I'm just worrying about them too much. They are in love with their soulmates and will be back to their selves soon.

"I can bring them back to Earth. Suppers ready," Emily says and the boys snapped back to reality.

I let Seth have my seat and pulled up one for Leah before placing myself in Embry's lap taking in the warmth that he always had.

"It must be nice to be a walking space heater," I say placing food on Embry's plate then onto mine, his having way more food than mine.

"You're just jealous because it makes us sexier," Paul exclaims making me laugh, finally he was back to being himself.

"It makes Embry sexier," I say winking at my boyfriend who shook his head trying to hold in his laughter. For the rest of supper we joked around finally going back to how things always were....

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