Chapter 7

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Both Embry and I were quite as we sped towards Forks. I didn't know where Bella lived so I just followed the scent of distress that was in the air. Sure enough it lead me to the Swan residence. Bella's ancient truck parked in the drive along with the Chief's squad car.

A group of people were surrounding the cop car, as they tried to figure out a plan on how to approach the situation. Among those people was a worried Jake who looked like on the verge of yanking his hair out. I parked the truck quickly before Embry and I jumped out running over to Jake.

"Any news?" Embry asks trying to calm Jacob down. The poor guy was really worried for Bella, unbeknownst to the supernatural world that coexisted with this one. That's why I was worried for Bella, I hoped a nomad vampire didn't find her because then I would've broken my promise to Alice. Well that and because she was starting to become my friend.

"No, some people are searching the woods. Charlie said that Bella left a note saying that she went for a walk with her boyfriend. But that was hours ago and she hasn't come back yet," Jake says trying to slow his breathing down.

Of course Bella is lost in the woods because of her vampire boyfriend. Why in seven hells would he break the news to her in the middle of the woods, a place where she could get lost.

"Stupid veggie vamp," I mumbled under my breath, low enough that nobody could hear it. We stayed silent for around half an hour with no news.

Bella's father was very anxious and worried for his daughter. I hoped that she would be found soon so the poor man could be less stressed.

After another half hour with no word from the search parties, I started to become anxious as well. My hands were shaking with worry and my breaths became rapid. Feeling warm hands hold mine to stop the shaking, is what brought me out of my small panic attack.

Looking up I saw Embry staring down at me "It's alright Nye. They are going to find her," he says offering a small smile and I felt myself blush at the nickname he gave me.

"I hope you're right. I know I don't know her that well but she's becoming my friend. I think it's sweet that you're hear, wanting to help when you haven't even met her," I say giving him a smile.

"I know she means alot to Jake since he never shuts up about her. I really think he's in love with her, plus shes your friend too. I'm starting to become your friend so I'll support you and Jake even if I don't know Bella she doesn't deserve to be lost in the woods," he declares which makes my heart swell.

"Charlie," Jake says glancing towards the woods. We all turned to see the packs Alpha walking towards us, with Bella in his arms. She looked to be asleep and didn't seem hurt or sick. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding in.

"She's alright," the guy says as Charlie runs over to him. Not even commenting of the fact that he was shirtless and it was cold outside. Perks of being a shifter though.

"Thanks Sam," Charlie says before taking his daughter in his arms and running her toward the house. Sam shared a look with a grey haired man before glancing at Jake and Embry. He know that they are going to shift soon.

Both boys looked scared before turning away from him. I've heard talk that they call the pack The Cult and people think that they do steroids and drugs. When in reality they are protecting everyone from vampires.

After making sure Bella was alright and in the safety of her own home, I drove Embry home before making it back to my house. It's been three days since I moved back here and they've already been hectic.

To clear my mind I went into my back yard where I just stared up at the moon. Night time is always so peaceful with the symphony of crickets chirping to their hearts content. Owls hooting into the night, high up within the trees. It's so peaceful.

A sound disturbed my peaceful reserve "I can hear you," I state taking my eyes away from the mesmerizing night sky. A few feet away stood Sam and his two pack members. "You know this is private property?" I questioned as I sat on my porch step.

"I don't see any keep out signs," said the guy who I almost made phase the other day. I think his name is Paul.

"I'm more of a creature of nature and peace," I replied with a smug grin.

"Then how come you were consulting with those leeches," the other boy growls with anger, he was shaking slightly.

"Not that it's any of your business young pup, but they asked me to protect Bella, and despite my small disliking to humans for my own reasons, they aren't all bad so it's my job to protect them. Just as it's your job to protect your people," I informed which isn't a lie.

Yes I loathe the humans that brutally blow-torched my family and coven, but those ones are long dead. So I can sort of move on from that issue.

"How do you know so much about us?" Sam asked almost like an order. You could tell he was a very authorized leader.

"I'm a very smart person. I've had years of experience in the supernatural world," I answered not really indicating what I was.

"But how?" Paul asks he seemed more tame than the last time I saw him, which was yesterday.

"I created you," I state simply with a shrug of my shoulders.

The two boys behind Sam burst out laughing as if they found it hard to believe that I created their kind.

"If Taha Aki saw such childish behavior he'd be rolling around in his grave," I blurted out causing the boys to stop.

It's was Sam who spoke up "You're the Earth Goddess from our legends. The one who gave our ancestors the ability to become spirit warriors. You're Nyarah the great witch,"

"The very same,"..............


I know that there isn't a witch in the Quileute legends but this is where it goes about off canon to fit my story but I hope you like it and thanks for reading...


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