Chapter 36

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It's been a few months since the fight against the newborns and Jake has made a full recovery, which was great. I was now almost 7 months pregnant and had a nice round baby bump that has unfortunately prohibited me from doing even the simplest of things, like walking. Emileah moves around alot but I haven't felt her kick yet but Carlisle says she should soon.

Right now I was at the Cullens as Alice wanted some of my opinions on things for Bella and Edwards wedding which was still a few months away but Alice was doing everything big like always. She also wanted help mailing invitations once we finished the guest list.

"I'm sure you had a vision of everything and that's how it's easy for you to make up your mind on things," I state as we sat around the livingroom, the other vampires were out hunting and Bella was spending time with her dad. She was still dead set on becoming a vampire, pun intended but nobody could muster up the courage to explain why she couldn't.

"Well I've had a few but some of them weren't clear because Seth was there and I couldn't really see past him," she says holding up a flower arrangement that was stunning, it was made up of pink, red, yellow and orange roses.

"I guess that confirms that Sue is also coming," I reached forward, picked up a rose and sniffed it. The smell was nice. "I heard Jake didn't take the announcement of the engagement that well."

She shook her head "It was Edwards fault really, he knew Jacob was listening but Bella wanted to wait until after the fight to tell him," she states before whooshing out of the kitchen and coming back with a bag of popcorn and a bottle of Pepsi, the things that I was just craving.

"How did you know?" I asked opening the bag popping a handful of popcorn into my mouth then washed it down with the soda. Alice had a cheeky smile on her face.

"Vision," she simply stated before showing me a drawing she had done of the area for the ceremony.

It was going to take place out back as the forest surrounding the house provided beautiful scenery for the couple's lovely day. There was an arch that was decked out with flowers and the tress were encased in fairy lights, it looked like something out of a Disney movie.

"I think I want you to plan my wedding when the time comes," I say watching the smile dance across her face, the musical sound of her laugh filled my ears.

"I knew you'd say that," she winked causing me to laugh "What time is Embry coming to get you?"

I looked down at my phone "In about an hour or so, depends if he can get off patrol earlier. If not then Emily will probably come get me, much to Sam's disliking," I reply eating some more popcorn, I've been craving so many things lately but most of the time they are healthy foods. It's mostly carrots and ranch dressing or peanut butter banana sandwiches. Our daughter is going eat like her father when she grows up

"I've got all the invitations done up and printed out, now over the next few weeks we can send them out. It will give us enough time to get replies to see who's coming, then we can work on seating arrangements," she says getting all excited again.

I think Alice should become an official wedding planner or an interior designer because doing those things really makes the woman happy, well besides Jasper and her family. She was telling me about a house that she was fixing up for Bella and Edward that she was gifting to them after the wedding. Of course Edward already knows about it because of the mind raping thing he does but Bella was left in the dark.

Alice showed me some of the house and it looked like something out of a fairytale but it was very fitting for the soon to be married couple. Alice says shes even going to stock Bella's closet with clothes that are more to Alice's standards, good luck Bella.

"Do we really need to make seating arrangements?" I asked because most of the people at the wedding are going to be human, and some other veggie vamps. As far as I know the only wolves that will be there is Seth and possible Jake so it didn't seem like we needed to place people in certain seats.

"Yeah, our cousin Irina doesn't like the wolves after what they did to Laurent," she states and I shake my head.

"But he was going to kill Bella. I saw it myself the night before I started school here, Bella even said his eyes were red. If he wanted to be like you and was trying animal blood then why didn't he stick to it?" I state and she nods completely understanding that the wolves were only doing what was in their nature. Kill vampires and protect humans.

"I know that but still we need to make sure she doesn't go near Seth during the wedding," she says and we hear my truck coming up the drive. I could tell from the scent of the person that it was Embry so he must've gotten off patrol early.

"Your soulmate awaits," Alice giggles and it's beautiful as always, she helps me up and walks me outside. We get there just as Embry pulls up in my truck. After walking over Alice picks me up with ease and helps me into the truck bed.

"Thanks, I'll see you in a few days or so. Call me if you need anymore help," I say and she nods shutting the door before walking back into the house.

Embry began pulling away from the house and back down the drive when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I gasped. "Ow," I say rubbing the spot where the pain was.

"Are you alright love? I felt that," Embry asks and I nod but it was then that I realized what happened which made my eyes go wide and a smile appeared on my face.

I turned and looked at my boyfriend who stopped the truck and looked over at me, also realizing what happened a smile crept upon his face as well.

"She kicked," we say in unison and our smiles widen. Our daughter kicked for the first time........

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