Chapter 52

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Being cooped up like this has really taken a toll on everyone, especially the Cullen's. Having the house surrounded by the pack means that they can't go out hunting, they can't hold out much longer. Which made me worry for them. To make matters even worse, I started my period again. Its the first one since giving birth and it's very painful, not as bad as labor but it's up there on the pain scale.

But there were more important things then my abdominal pain. Like the fact that Leah refuses to eat anything that Esme kindly makes for her. Seth and Jake however have been very kind about everything.

Seth told me that they can no longer hear the packs thoughts but have a mind link of their own. It was something I didn't think was possible. Then again the true Alpha has never turned down the position only to then leave the pack later on then starting a new one.

I missed Embry dearly and it was taking a toll on my body and I hated feeling so weak and drained all the time. I could barely even make food for myself but I always made sure to use my strength to look after and play with the twins who have now started making baby noises and giggling. It was so adorable and I love them so much.

One good thing to happen was Zander also coming to help protect Bella and her unborn child. It was great because he brought light and a sense of familiarity to everyone especially Leah who needed him the most.

Right now I was lying on the couch across from Bella trying to reserve my strength. Everyone has noticed my change in health and were highly concerned for me.

"Are you alright Nye?" I heard Alice say from somewhere in the room and I didn't even have enough energy to look at her.

"No Alice. I feel drained, empty and broken inside," I state letting out a deep sigh as I stared at the ceiling.

Seth, who was sitting at the end of the couch with my feet in his lap as he held Emmy, spoke up "It's because she's not with Embry. When an imprint is away from their imprinter for so long it makes them gravely weak and sick. I'm sure the soul bond only amplifies it even more. Embry is probably feeling the exact same way,"

I couldn't see their faces but can guess that they all went wide eyed as they took in what Seth had just informed them. "Can someone take me outside, nature always makes me feel happy," I asked then felt myself being lifted off the couch.

"Yes come on grumpy witch let's get you back in your element," Emmett says as he holds me bridal style.

"I'm really not in the mood to be teased Teddy Bear," I say which caused Rose to laugh as she came into my line of sight.

"It's good to know your sarcasm hasn't left you pipsqueak," Zander says coming outside with us. Emmett set me down in the grass at the base of a tree before going to sit on the steps. My brother sat down beside me and brought some pixies over to us. I've always loved pixies chasing them around our village was one of my favorite things to do. They always made me happy, I'm glad they still do.

Leah and Jake could be seen running the perimeter they came up with. They gave Seth a break so he could spend some time with Emmy which is nice of them.

"You know I am really mad at Sam for keeping Embry away from you like this. It's an inhumane thing to do considering Sam would never want to be separated from Emily," Leah says coming out from behind a tree, she kept her distance because she didn't want to be too close to the house, the smell of the vampires wasn't one she wanted to be around.

"I'm mad at him because he wants to kill a human. I made your kind to protect mortals from vampires not murder them when they get impregnated by a vampire. I didn't even know it was possible," I state looking over at her as she sat down upon the grass.

In my four thousand years of life I never thought any of this was possible. Vampires and shifters were only created because of me. Created at times where I was at my worst state mentally and now we're on the brink of war because of some feud that's stupid. If the vampires in this situation weren't vegetarians then I'd think otherwise but these vampires aren't a threat to humans. Why couldn't Sam see that?

It was silent for awhile so I took this as a sign to sing a song that I thought fit our situation very well and because I knew everyone could hear me.

A stray bullet and a momma cries
Her baby won't be coming home tonight
Sirens screaming down the avenue
Just another story on the evening news, oh woah
Politics and prejudice
How the hell it'd ever come to this
When everybody's gotta pick a side
It don't matter if you're wrong or right, no, and so it goes
But I hold onto hope and I won't let go cause

I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers
And I, I believe we're made to be here for each other
And we'll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah I, I believe in the end love wins

Sometimes it takes a lot of faith
To keep believing there will come a day
When the tears and the sadness, the pain and the hate
The struggle, this madness, will all fade away, yeah

I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers
And I, I believe we're made to be here for each other
And we'll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah I, I believe in the end love wins

Love is power, love is a smile
Love reaches out, love is the remedy
Love is the answer, love's an open door
Love is the only thing worth fighting for, yeah

I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers
And I, I believe we're made to be here for each other
And we'll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah I, I believe in the end love wins
Oh yeah, love wins

Love will, love can, love still, love wins
Love will, love can, love still, love wins

I hoped that everyone was listening because at the end of the day standing up for what is right is what makes us stronger and love is something worth fighting for. In the end love wins.......

Subtle differences (Embry Call)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora