Chapter 28

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It's a few days before graduation and alot has happened in the last few days. Firstly a vampire was in Bella's room while Charlie was home but didn't harm him. I was worried for the guy because he has no idea the creatures that coexist with the human world. Another thing is that the pack have been working with the Cullen's in order to protect Bella and Charlie.

They take shifts watching the house which leaves the girls and I worried for the boys safety. Even though we know they can take care of themselves. Oh also Jake made the stupid mistake of kissing the Swan girl which caused her to sprain her wrist from punching him in the face.

It's his fault for doing that but he seems desperate these last few days, trying to keep her human as long as possible. Well we actually didn't tell Bella about the magic behind the treaty but the Cullen's know it all too well which is why they've stopped talking to her about it.

Anyway, today I was going for a check up with Carlisle at his place. I've just got to make it out the door first.

"Oh come on guys I'll be fine, they won't hurt me," I state staring at the barricade of wolves in front of me. They've been like this all week when I told them about the check up.

"We just want to keep you and the baby safe Cupcake," Quil states his tone protective which caused me to role my eyes.

"I get that pup but you guys do know that my blood is repulsive to vampires so even if I accidentally bled they'll be revolted by it," I explained which is true, I don't know why but vampires hate the smell of witch blood, well outside of the veins that is.

Even with that information they still wouldn't budge. I needed to come up with a negotiation and fast. After a few minutes I was loosing hope when it finally came to me.

"I'll make my chocolate chip skor cookies when I get back," I begged with a pleading look in my emerald green eyes. A smile creeping up my face when I saw them cave in.

"Fine love, but if I feel any spike in your negative emotions we're coming to get you," Embry confirms pulling me into a quick hug kissing my temple.

I winked at Leah who was sitting at the table watching the scene play out "The cookies work everytime," I say as she laughed. Then I looked at the boys offering up my best glare before continuing "This time you'll make sure my Claire bear gets some," and with that walked out the door.

To make this quicker I used my magic to teleport to the Cullen's because I knew when my belly got bigger that I wouldn't be able too and to be honest it was fun. Their house was big open and modern like mine, placed in the middle of the woods of privacy. The door opened before I even lifted my hand to knock and there stood Alice a bright smile on her face.

"Nyarah you're glowing!" She exclaims clearly very excited as she took my hand leading me into the house. In the livingroom was Jasper, Edward, Bella, Carlisle and three vampires I didn't know. A blonde woman, a brunette woman and a dark haired man with muscles that give Jacob a run for his money.

"You smell like wet dog," Edward says all eyes focused on me. Leave it to him to say that to a woman, no wonder he hasn't had a girlfriend until Bella came along.

"It's nice to see you too sideburns. You really know how to make a girl feel special," I state causing the man I didn't know to laugh.

"That's why he's not a lady's man," he says before him and the blonde woman zoom over to me their hands out for me to shake.

"You must be Emmett and Rosalie. Alice talks about you quite a bit," I state shaking their hands. I've gotten use to the coldness of their skin. Then the other woman walks over at human speed and pulls me into a hug. Not as tight as the ones Alice likes to give.

"I'm Esme," she says after pulling away and goes to stand by Carlisle. Before going forth with the checkup Rose asked if she could place her hand on my belly. Said she always wanted a child for herself which made me sad that she never could have one.

"I think I hear a heartbeat, it's faster than yours like a wolf but there's traces of your scent there too," Carlisle says as he began looking things over, the check up didn't take long at all. That was something the boys and I never picked up, but then again we weren't really focused on that.

"Wow thanks for looking everything over, I mean you didn't have too and I can afford to pay hospital bills if need be," I say getting ready to leave and he smiles.

"It's no problem really, any friend of Bella's is a friend of ours," he says before I said goodbye to everyone and teleported back to Emily's, I ended up a little ways up the drive way so I slowly began walking towards the house when a hand slipped into mine.

"How'd it go love?" Embry says locking our fingers together a big smile one his face.

"It was fine, everything's alright. Carlisle could hear her heartbeat, he said she's like both of us," I conclude placing my hand on the baby bump, feeling happy.

"That's great babe," he says wrapping his arm around my waist and I placed my head on his shoulder. We were almost to the house when I saw a guy sitting on the step, talking to Emily. He turned once we got closer and upon seeing his face I gasped, trying to figure out if he's really here.

"Zander," I mumbled just staring at him. He looked over at me, eyes going wide as he realized who I was. Embry and Emily looked confused as did the rest of the pack who came running outside upon hearing us.

"Who's that love?" Embry questions a jealous look on his face that caused me to shake my head at his protectiveness.

"My older brother,"...........


Alright sorry to drop the bomb on you but I just wanted to thank you all for getting this book to over one thousand reads in just over a month. It's amazing and this book has to be my fastest growing book since I've started writing and I can't thank you all enough for it. I hope you love the story and thanks again so much for reading it.


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