Chapter 75

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3 weeks later

The house was full of the hustle and bustle of everyone setting things up for the wedding. Leah and I decided to have a joined one so less planning had to be made. Plus Zander and Embry didn't mind at all. It was great to have nothing to worry about other than getting married.

I was nervous, to say the least but no more so than Leah. She was incredibly nervous. However I managed to sooth her with some tea and a bit of magic. Her dress was a beautiful white gown that went to the floor, the top most layer made of lace with wolf patterns all through it.

Her hair had a few braids in it, with Blue flowers that Claire had picked. She didn't have any makeup on but that's fine since she didn't want any. She still looked stunning.

My dress was floor length too but it was backless. There were real flowers decorating the front of it. My hair was done in a braided crown with purple flowers placed throughout. My makeup was natural looking, thanks to Alice and Rose. Who were also braids maids, along with Rachel and Kim. Our maid of honor is Emily.

Paul, Jared, Seth and Jake were groomsmen with Quil as both Zander and Embry's best man. Claire and Emmie are our flower girls and they looked adorable in their cute pink dresses. Lastly Cameron is the ring bearer, who looked quite dashing in his little suit.

"I never thought in four thousand years I'd ever get married," I say turning to look at Leah. She looked like she wanted to get this started so she could get out of her dress, since her reception outfit was more like her usual attire.

"I never thought about it either but now look at us. A combined wedding that we can one day tell our grandkids about," she laughs giving me a gentle nudge and that when the music started playing.

Charlie came in looking very dapper, as he had during Bella's wedding. He looped arms with us and we made our way towards the isle.

"Thanks again for walking us down the isle," I say with a smile. If the wedding hadn't been joined then Zander would've been the one giving me away and Seth would've walked Leah down, but he's a groomsmen. I'm just glad both of us can share our happy endings together after all we've been through.

"It's my pleasure really, both of you are like daughters to me and not many men can say they've giving two girls away at once, unless it's a wedding like this one," he says as we walked to the tune of the music. It wasn't ordinary bridal music but a soft piano version of the song You and Me by Lifehouse, played by Edward who added his own touch to it.

As we walked down the isle, I took in all the decor Alice and Rose put together. Everything was so strategically placed. They had turned their back yard into a magical looking clearing that screamed nature.

The isle was made from a beautiful moss the squished gently under our feet. It looked great with the White lilies that the girls threw down as the walked down it before us. Our guests were seated in antique chairs made from cedar which had roses cared into them.

The wedding arch at the end was a specially designed pergola with ivy weaved throughout the whole thing. Pink flowers were also woven into the ivy which made everything look more magical.

The surrounding trees were decorated with rainbow fairy lights that just added to the whole scene. With the sun setting over the forest in front of us, it's beams creating prism colors as they reflected off the river close by.

Everyone stood up as we passed by them finally being able to see our grooms who were standing in wait. Zanders eyes widen when he took in Leah in all her beauty. Also this was the first time ever seeing her in a dress, so that probably shocked him even more. He looked handsome in his suit and it was nice to see his hair actually combed and styled. Usually he rocked the just rolled out of bed look.

Embry's eyes hadn't left mine the whole time. He too was handsome in his suit, his longish hair swooped across his face making him look younger but the style worked for him.

Charlie gave both of us away and the wedding went on as normal. Leah and Zander got married first since they've been engaged longer and it was only fair. Then Embry and I were. Our first kiss as husband and wife reminded me of our first ever kiss. Only this time I wasn't sitting on my couch cuddled into him so I didn't have to watch a scary movie. This kiss was just as magical as that one.

Our kiss was cut a bit short thanks to Emmett yelling "Save it for the honeymoon," which caused us both to pull away laughing. I don't know where we were going, but I knew Zander was taking Leah to Amsterdam since I helped him plan everything.

The reception was really fun, we didn't do normal wedding traditions like having the groom taking off the bride's girdle. Mostly because for one I wasn't wearing one, and Leah also didn't want to do it which was fine by the both of us. However we did do the cake cutting, which turned out great as there was two of them. Along with tossing our bouquets. Rachel had caught mine and Kim managed to get Leah's, so hopefully more fun weddings will happen soon.

We spent a few hours dancing on the dancefloor that was set up, just like how it was done for Bella's wedding. Alice and Jasper were practically stealing the show as they showed off their great moves, it was nice having them back with us after them being away for so long. Rose and Emmett were killing it as well along with Carlisle and Esme.

Bella and Edward stuck to a more traditional slow dance but they were still enjoying themselves. Ness was dancing with me, I couldn't believe how fast she was growing. The man Alice found that was just like Ness, said that he became fully grown seven years after his birth. So Ness still has some more growing to do, but she was about the size of a 9 year old. As she grew you could see bits of both Bella and Edwards features in her.

As we spun around she placed her hand on my cheek and I was swept away into one of her memories.

It was around the time when the twins were still newborn size and Bella was very pregnant. She was holding Cameron who was asleep in her arms. Beside her Seth was playing with Emmie, who absolutely adored Seth's company. I wasn't in the room so I was most likely getting stuff from my house, since this is during the time when we were feuding with Sam.

"I have this feeling like I want to protect Cameron at all costs, which is strange but I don't really know how to describe it," past Bella says as she looked down at the little boy in her arms.

"Nye had a similar feeling around me when she was pregnant with the twins. It turned out it was because Emmie is my imprint and she somehow knew it even as a growing baby inside of Nye's belly," Seth replied as Emmie jumped up and down on his knees as he held her tiny hands.

"So do you think Cam is going to imprint on my baby?" Bella asks with a confused look. "Does that mean it's a girl?"

"It is highly possible that Cam and the baby are imprints. However it doesn't mean the baby is a girl. Our imprints aren't particularly the opposite gender or even the same species. Like Embry and Nye or Jake and Aquaria. We haven't had a same gender imprinting yet but they aren't ruled out either," Seth explains hoping that cleared something's up "Imprinting works in various ways that not even Nye would know about and she created us,"

This was before Raine imprinted on Lucy but we now knew they were more than possible. Anyway though, anytime Bella said Cameron's name, it was like I could feel Ness's emotions. Just by hearing his name it made her feel happy and safe.

After a few seconds I heard her voice in my head "I'll protect him for the rest of my life Aunty Nyarah. And I might not understand it much now but one day I hope to love Cam as you love Embry,"  and with that the memory slipped away.

As my eyes tuned back into the world around me I smiled "I know you will Ness and one day I'll be glad to call you my daughter in law," I say giving her a kiss on the forehead. And we dance some more.

Now it was time to set off on the honeymoon. Leah and Zander got into one car while we got in the other. Both setting off to the start of our happily ever after. Here's to us.........

Long chapter for this one but it's the last one before the epilogue. Thank you all for staying with me on the over a year long journey. This is one of my favorite stories I've written and definitely the longest one that isn't an imagines book. I'm so happy to finally be able to complete it and I love you all so much to sticking with me. Thank you all again,


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