Chapter 34

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I woke up a few hours later to see the most precious sight ever. Quil was passed out on the love seat with Claire laying on her stomach across his chest, fast asleep snuggled into him. It's heartwarming to know that despite the age difference, they both love eachother. Although it's not romantic love yet, it's going to be great to see their love blossom in the future.

Slowly I got up from the couch and shuffled groggily into the kitchen where everyone else was just hanging out. Embry stood up when he saw me in the doorway and came over, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back taking in his natural scent, he smelled like fresh pine.

"You guys have to see this," I say once out of the hug and made my way back into the livingroom, my phone in hand. They followed behind me just as I snapped a picture to cherish the moment forever.

"He'll make a great father one day," Embry states wrapping his arms around me from behind, his hands resting on my pregnant belly protectively.

"So will you. I know for a fact that you'll spoil our daughter," I say and he nods placing a kiss on my temple.

"Damn right I will," he says as the girls began gushing over Quil and Claire. I wouldn't be surprised if they were already planning the wedding, in fact they're probably planning my wedding and I'd never even know.

After a few more hours it was time for supper so we woke up Quil and his adorable imprint then began eating. We spent the night goofing off and joking about, just enjoying our evening which was filled will giggles and terrible puns, brought to us by Quil. We had a every good evening that was fun. We were so tired that as soon as we layed down both Embry and I drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms.


There's two days until the battle and it's really stressing me out. The boys have been training like crazy and the Cullen's were now off hunting in preparation for the fight. Jake has informed us that Edward wouldn't be fighting because Bella begged him not too. It was also decided that Jake would carry her up the mountain as a way of masking her scent.

"I mean you could just leave her here with us. We've got Collin and Brady to protect us. Not to mention a power witch," I state as we all sat about the livingroom, they finally got done training and were now resting up for a few days as a way of not over compensating things.

"I thought Carlisle said not to do magic because it weakens your body which isn't good for Emileah?" Embry asks resting his head on my shoulder. He did have a point.

"Even if she can't do magic, Nye has a wicked right hook. Took out a boy twice her size back in the day just because he was hitting on her," Zander says with a proud look upon his smug face. He really was so proud of me that day.

I laughed "Mom grounded me for a month for that one," I exclaimed smiling at the memory which had Quil in a fit of giggles.

"You should've seen her the day she met us, this was before we were in the pack. She insulted Sam, Jared and Paul without even batting an eyelash just because Paul was hitting on her. Also this was before he imprinted on Rachel," Jake says opening up a bag of Doritos, not bothering to share.

"What did you do?" My brother asks, a curious look within his eyes as he placed his head in Leah's lap.

"Well they came strutting up the beach towards us and were just staring. I knew Sam was watching the boys because they were going to shift soon but Paul had other intentions. So when they came over I explained that it was rude to stare. Now Paul here tried being cocky and said that he was admiring the view, so I told him that Jake, Embry and Quil were really handsome and that I didn't know we swung for the same team. Of course that almost caused him to phase, he was a big hot head back then," I say recalling the day I met most of the pack.

When I finished my story Seth fell on the floor laughing. It was really adorable, and he's just the most precious member of the pack. Don't tell the boys I said that though, they'd never let me live it down.

I hoped he would find his imprint soon, I was informed that both Collin and Brady have found theirs which leaves Seth to be the only one left out, well besides Jake. But I do know when he finds her that he'll treat her like a goddess and love her from the bottom of his heart.

After Seth stopped laughing, Claire wanted me to conjure flowers but I had to explain to her that doing magic right now wasn't good for the baby so she went over and gave Zander her famous puppy dog eyes and after a few minutes he finally caved.

With her niece happily making flower crowns and what not, Emily snuck away to get something and soon returned with a plate of fresh cookies that I didn't even know she had time to make. She made sure us girls got some first before letting the guys fend for themselves. Fortunately this time everyone managed to get a cookie without a fight breaking out, you'd be surprised at how often that happens.

We spent the rest of the afternoon chilling out and being normal teenagers, well as normal as we can be for supernatural creatures.........

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