Chapter 26

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"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" voices yelled coming into the house as Emily began making supper. Rachel and Kim stood by the door, excited looks on their faces as the boys and Leah strutted in and took seats at the table. I can't believe they told the girls, some friends they are, I wanted to tell them.

"Alright who couldn't keep their big mouth shut?" I asked glancing around the table trying to pick out the culprit. My eyes locked with Embry who nudged his head towards Jared.

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus Embry," Jared states looking anywhere but at me. It was then I turned to look at my boyfriend.

"There isn't a rule stating that imprints can't hurt the wolves is there?" I questioned watching some of the boys smirk knowing what was coming.

"Nope," he says popping the p for emphasis before smiling as I looked back at Jared a smirk creeping into my face.

"3,2,1" I state watching Jared's eyes go wide as he gets up and bolts out of the room which made me laugh more as I had no intention of chasing him. Everyone else burst out laughing at the scene they just witnessed.

"How long before he realizes that she's not chasing him?" Quil asks after five minutes pass by and Jared hasn't returned yet.

"Now," Sam declares as Jared saunters back into the house panting slightly meaning he was running in his human form.

"Well that was embarrassing," Jared states plopping down at the table once again as I laughed.

"I'm pregnant Jarbear I've got no energy to chase after you and hit you for telling secrets that weren't yours to tell," I state sending him a playful glare that soon went away as Emily placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of me making my stomach growl.

"Funny enough I was craving this, you know me too well Emmy," I exclaimed looking up at the women who's one of my best friends.

She laughed "Well there's more where that came from," she says pointing to the two big pots on the stove then offering me a wink.

I turned to look at Sam who was sitting across from me "I'm stealing your fiancee," I informed him but he didn't seem phased by my statement.

"As long as I get her back," he says making me laugh. He thought I was joking but I was serious Emily is a goddess and I want her to make me chicken noodle soup forever.

"Fine, then Leah and I can run away together and she'll make me chicken noodle soup forever," I say winking at the black haired beauty beside me who laughed.

"I can do that hun," she says causing a smile to grow on my face.

"What about me love?" Embry asks giving me his adorable puppy dog eyes topping it off with a pouty lip. I leaned over pecking him on the lips.

"I'd take you with me," I say then began eating the soup which was delicious and flavorful. Everyone began joking about while I tried to come up with ways to tell Alice about the pregnancy. I wasn't sure if Carlisle or Bella told her yet or if she foresaw it in a vision. She can't see past the wolves so if she managed to see me pregnant than the baby would likely be like me. But I'll deal with Alice later.

"I wonder if the baby will be like Embry or Nyarah?" Kim asks bringing me out of my thoughts.

"It could be like both of them. That'd be so cool!" Quil voices his theory on the subject.

"We'll find out in seven and a half months," I state which seems like so far away but for people who are timeless it wouldn't be that long.

It strange to think that for someone whose been alive as long as I have that I hadn't really thought about having children and that fact that I'm now pregnant after all those years is kind of overwhelming. But I'm glad Embry is the father, he's everything I've ever wanted in a soulmate and I couldn't be happier.

As happy as I am in this moment I couldn't help but wish my mother was here, she'd be so proud that I'd found my other half and was starting a family of my own. My father would've made sure Embry treated me right and my older brother would've threatened to hurt him if he ever did hurt me. My baby sister would've loved him like a brother and make him play dress up with her.

I'm not sure if it was all the new hormones that came with pregnancy but I truely missed my family knowing that they'll always be with me, but I was thankful for the new family the universe decided to give me and I wouldn't change a thing about it...

Subtle differences (Embry Call)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon