Chapter 3

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After hearing the wolf howling I made my way back to the office where I quickly gave the secretary my slip before walking back to my car. On my way outside, I was stopped by the guy from my English class, who sits next to Bella, two other people. A short girl with black hair styled into a pixie haircut and a tall blonde guy. They were both as pale as vampire guy with the same golden eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked because I was extremely confused.

"Hi, I'm Alice and this is my brother Edward and my boyfriend Jasper," the girl says excitedly whilst pulling me into a quick hug. She was as hard as stone with freezing skin.

"Oof," I say as she squeezed me slightly "Nice to meet you, I'm Nyarah and I need to breath you know," after hearing that she lets me go.

"Oops, sorry," she giggles and it's the most beautiful sound ever.

What do they want from me? I think as they stared at me. It was kinda creepy, to say the least especially since I've never seen any of their kinda with their eye color before.

"We want to know how you know about us and the wolves?" Edward asks giving me a stern look.

"I've never met a vampire who could read minds," I state as I glanced over at him.

"And we've never met any of whatever you are before," Alice says clapping her hands together.

I frowned "That's because I'm the last of my kind," I state, lowering my head to look at the concrete.

"I've heard about you," Jasper says as I felt a wave of happiness wash over me, which is weird because right now I should be sad "You're the lone witch right?"

It's hard to believe that I'm the only witch left but unfortunately it's true. After a devastion that happened centuries ago, it was just me that ended up surviving. This was way before even the Salem witch trials happened. Those were just innocent people that were burned at the stake, such a horrific time.

I slowly nodded my head "That's me, cursed to walk alone forever unless I find my soulmate," I informed wondering why these vampires wanted to know so much about me. I'm just pawn in this sick game of life.

Although my life is never-ending.

"How come your eyes are golden?" I questioned, though I had a guess.

"We only drink animal blood," Alice states "So we can blend in with the humans and because we don't want to hurt them,"

It warmed my heart to know that something good finally came out of my creation. That vampires adapted enough to not want to drink human blood, though they still needed to drink blood to survive. But no humans needed to be sacrificed.

"Well that's good," I smiled as I looked towards my car "I've got to go, I live down in La Push but nice meeting you," I state waving and getting into my car before pulling out of the lot.

When I finally arrived in La Push, I went right to the beach where I plopped down on the sandy shore and got lost in an old memory that continues to haunt me.

Being a witch has its perks. Being able to do magic comes in handy from time to time. However, being in the only coven of witches can get extremely boring. Seeing the same faces everyday, never being able to leave the village after dark.

It didn't help that people always wanted to destroy us because we were different. We always had to be on the edge to be sure that nothing bad happened to us, living in fear for centuries.

Life was always so peaceful, until one day.




I was coming back from a stroll in the forest when a smoky smell filled my nose. Panicking, I began running back towards the village. That's when I heard the screaming. Loud. Deafening. Tortuous screaming.

And as my eyes fixated on the burning village my magic kicked in. A huge gush of water leaped out of the stream a few miles away, with little to no effort. Moving my hands quickly I guided the water and doused out the flames with a flick of my wrist.

When the water dissipated I made a beeline through the village. Everything was destroyed. Houses. Farms. Animals. Everyone was dead, perished in the flames that I just got rid of. Not a soul survived. Not one.

Except me....

I was brought out of my daze when a soccer ball almost hit me in the face and three guys came running up trying to collect the ball. They were all quite tall, with beautiful russet colored skin. One had beautiful shoulder length hair that was a light brown color, the next had short dark curly hair and the last one was the boy who gave Bella that dream catcher this morning.

"Hey are you alright? Did it hit you?" The boy with the short hair asks. A look of concern on his face.

I stood up "No I'm alright. Lucky miss I guess," I state and they laughed.

"I'm Quil and these are my friends Jacob and Embry," Quil says reaching forward, he grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

"I'm Nyarah," I blushed slightly before looking at the other two "Is he always like this?" I asked and they chuckled.

"Oh yes," Embry says "He's quite the flirt around here," which caused Quil to gently slap Embry's arm.

"You go to school with Bella right? I think I saw you there this morning," Jacob says recognizing me even though I didn't talk to him that morning.

"Oh yeah, I saw you give her a dream catcher. I just met her actually at lunch. I'm new around here," I say even though it's probably obvious.

"Of course you are," Quil states "I'd think we'd be able to remember a face as beautiful as yours," then added a wink. Then it was my turn to giggle.

"So what brings you to the reservation?" Embry asks joining the conversation.

He was really attractive and my senses told me that all three of these guys were going to shift soon. That's going to be a big shock for them, since they probably think their legends are just that. Legends.

"Oh I live here," I exclaim and their eyes go wide. Man they really didn't get new people around here. "I've got a couple lots back in the woods where I've settled down,"

It was silent for a few minutes as they retained my information. But then Jacob spoke up "Great, the cult just showed up," he says pointing to a group of beefed up guys making their way towards us. I didn't even have to look at them to know that they were wolves who already shifted, my senses told me that much.

But to clarify there was the ancient tribal tattoo on their right arms. That and the fact that I could feel the heat radiating off of them from where I stood. They stopped a few feet away from us and just stared.

What the hell do they want?? 

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