Chapter 17

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The boys were going on like lunatics in the flat bed as Embry and I tried to conceal our laughter but failed miserably. Once again the sun has decided to come out of the clouds and shine down upon us which felt nice. It also made it the perfect time to roll the windows down making our hair blow from the breeze coming in.

"So I'll probably get glared at for the rest of senior year for the stunt you guys pulled today, I might have to put myself in a bubble along with Bella," I say glancing at Embry as we crossed the treaty line and entered the reservation.

"Well I'm taken so the girls will just have to except the fact that the most attractive one is taken and fight over the other boys," he states grabbing my hand that wasn't on the wheel. After a few seconds we heard a scoff.

"But I'm the most attractive," Paul says with determination which caused the last two boys to rebuttal.

"Actually that's me," Jared confirms with a smirk.

"No it's me," Jake says glaring at his brothers.

This was complete anarchy, they were arguing like a group of teenage girls all fighting over the same guy. But it was also funny and Embry was in a fit of laughter which only got funnier as he listened to his brother bickering like old married couples.

"Guys it doesn't matter who's more attractive, who you are on the inside is what really matters," I declared putting an end to the argument that Embry unintentionally started and with that we pulled up to Emily's.

"I'm so telling Emily about the argument you just had," I joke jumping out of the truck and into the house with them chasing after me pleading not to say anything, let's face it though because Sam definitely knows already and if I don't tell Emily than he's going to.

I knocked quickly before opening the door and rushed inside where I innocently took a seat at the table.

"Emmy you won't believe the argument the boys just had. It was about who was more attractive in the pack and was extremely hilarious. They sounded like a group of teenage girls fighting over the same guy," I recalled the situation in the car just as the boys burst through the door only to find Emily in a fit of laughter.

"That is the best thing I've ever heard," she says from behind the counter placing chocolate chip cookies on a plate as the guys glared at her.

"Well I wasn't in this argument, though I may have unintentionally started it but I was just joking about," Embry says holding his hands up in surrender before sitting down next to me.

The boys sat down in the remaining seats and were just about to reach of a cookie that Emily placed on the table, when a howl filled our ears making them sigh. "Well duty calls," they yelled before getting up and rushing out side.

"More cookies for us then," I say reaching for one and taking a bite, it was still warm and gooey on the inside.

Emily laughed "I suppose you have a high metabolism just like them," she says taking a cookie for herself and I smiled.

"Yeah, though I don't eat half as much as they do. One serving of any meal is good enough for me," I confirmed as we enjoyed a quiet afternoon deciding to bake some more cookies.


A couple hours later we began making supper for the boys. Tonight Emily decided to make tacos, I was incharge of grating the cheese and preparing the salsa. We were almost done when the phone rang and Emily went to answer it.

She was on the phone for awhile so I finished up the stuff that she was doing as well as my things. I only used some magic to help things run smoothly but I mainly did things the mundane way. I had just finished everything up when Emily rushes back into the kitchen a look of disbelief and sadness on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked thinking it might be one of the boys, besides Embry because I'd feel it.

"One of the tribe elders has passed away. Jake says that the redheaded vampire caused him to have a heart attack," she says silent tears falling down her face. "It was my cousin, I'd like to make a few things to bring over to his family, can you help me?" She asks shyly.

I nod "Of course Emmy, we will make loads of sandwiches, a lasagna, maybe a casserole and take some sweets over," I state and she smiled though it was strained.

For the next few hours I made some lasagna and a beef noodle casserole while Emily made roast beef sandwiches and baked a few pies and a cheesecake. The two of us worked in silence moving fluidly through the small kitchen often sharing sad looks or small smiles. Finally we were done and loaded everything into containers then loading them into my truck.

I thought it best that I drove because Emily was in no shape too so she gave me directions to her cousins house which wasn't that far from hers. Soon we pulled up to a cute little house only it wasn't in the woods like Emily's.

Carefully we gathered everything up before making our way to the door where Emily rang the doorbell. There was voices coming from inside and I could almost feel the grief seeping through the atmosphere. After a few moments the door opened and a pretty middle-aged woman with long black hair greeted us.

"Hey Sue, we heard the news. Our condolences. We prepared some things for you, some you just have to heat in the microwave," Emily greets her cousin offering her a pained smile.

"That's kind of you Emily thank you," she says before looking over at me "Who might you be?"

"That's Nyarah she's Embry's imprint," Emily says as Sue motioned us into the house and I knew this was going to be a difficult night....

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