Chapter 20

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It been a few days since Bella's unpredictable cliff jump and unplanned trip to Italy. Let's just say while she was off saving Edward, Charlie was already making up the details of her punishment. He also was cursing Edward for making his daughter act this way, but aren't we all.

Bella was now grounded for eternity, which to me is a fair and just punishment. But on top of that, the Cullen's moved back here, much to the packs disliking. Anyway things sort of went back to normal and here I was at, you guessed it, Emily's.

She stepped out for a bit to check on Sue, something Billy also did just to make sure she was alright. It's stressful to lose your husband and have your children become shifters all in the same day so it was important to see how she was coping with everything.

I was in the livingroom reading a book, there was a strawberry pie in the oven that I just finished making. A timer was set so I'd know when it was done. I was so engrossed into my book that I hadn't even heard the pack come back, and I had super senses. Talk about embarrassing.

"What are you reading?" A voice suddenly said next to my ear causing me to jump three feet off the sofa. My breathing picked up and I clutched my heart.

"Jesus!! Jared don't scare me like that. I may be practically immortal but I still need my heart beating to survive," I state glaring at the boy who had a smiled plastered on his face, looking innocent.

"You're senses are even better than ours and you didn't even hear us come in, are you sure you're advanced hearing is working?" Paul chimes in with a chuckle.

I glared "I was deep into my book doofus, besides the only thing I've got to keep an ear out for is the pie in the oven's timer," I state and as if by magic, pun intended, the timer went off signaling that the pie was done.

Getting up from my comfy position I made my way to the kitchen and took the pie out of the oven placing it on a rack to cool off. Slapping at hands that tried to touch it.

"It's for after supper," I confirmed as they sighed saying how unfair it was, like it wouldn't kill them to wait, it's not lime they are malnourished or anything like that.

It was then that I noticed that some people were missing "Where's Sam, Embry, Leah and Seth?" I'm pretty sure that they didn't have patrols scheduled until later.

"Oh they went to help Quil," Jake says taking a seat at the table while I began making Chinese for supper.

"He finally shifted!!!" I exclaimed and it was met with nods from the three boys. Its so good to finally have him in on the secret. I hated keeping secrets from him, he's my best friend for god sake.

It was quiet for a moment or two when a commotion was heard outside. We all rushed out of the house to see the others, still as their wolves. Two of them were wrestling about, but not really fighting. A grey one with a white snout and a chocolate colored one.

I didn't know who it was because I only knew that Sam's wolf was all black and besides that the only ones I've seen as wolves were Paul, who was grey with specks of white, and Jake who was a russet color like his skin tone. Despite them being gigantic wolves, I had to say that they were still cute.

"You guys are so cute!!" I say clapping my hands which got their attention. As if to try and disprove my statement, Sam growled but it didn't hold any toughness behind it. A sandy colored one, who was smaller than the rest and whom I believed to be Seth let out the equivalent of a laugh that made me smile.

The two wolves stopped fighting and one came over to me, the grey one with the white snout. It nudged my face with the side of its muzzle and looking into its eyes I knew it was Embry. I reached up and ran the back of my hand along his head making his ears fold down and causing his features to soften.

"You're much more cuddly now Em, like a fuzzy blanket," I say looking up at him, because even in wolf form he towered over me.

I heard laughing coming from behind him and peaked around them to see that the others shifted back, and standing among them was Quil. He was the one who laughed.

"Quil!!" I yelled running over to him and pulled him into a hug, the action made him laugh even more.

"Hey cupcake," he says when we pulled away. When Jake and Embry joined the pack Quil hung out with me most of the time, when I wasn't with the pack, and he dubbed me the nickname Cupcake. I didn't mind it though, there are worse nicknames.

"So you're in the pack now," I state and he nods.

"And you're an old granny witch," he jokes causing me to gasp and hold my chest giving him a look of fake hurting.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult my girlfriend," Embry says wrapping his arms around me, nuzzling his face in my neck.

"Yeah Ateara, don't insult little me. In the blink of an eye I could turn you into a toad," I joked back giving him a wink as he laughed. We joked around some more before making our way back to the house where I finished supper.

I was just setting the table when Emily comes back in, an adorable little girl in her arms. She was the cutest little button ever.

"Who's this cutie?" I asked walking over to them, gently tapping her nose with my finger.

"This is my niece Claire, she's going to be visiting for a bit," Emily says as Claire snuggled into her.

It was then at Claire looked around at everyone, a smile on her face. She made eye contact with Quil and his eyes glazed over and he became dazed.

"Oh shit," Embry and I say at the same time, which is unusual for us. Everyone looked at eachother with looks of shock before Quil returned to reality, his cheeks bright red.


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