Chapter 29

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I pinched myself to see if I was just imagining everything but from the looks on everyone's faces that it was real. He looked a bit older than the last time I saw him, all those years ago but nevertheless was exactly how I remembered him.

Tall and muscular with disheveled black hair that was slightly curly. A defined jaw that girls back in the day always complimented, topped off with the beautiful baby blue eyes that he shared with our mother and smooth tanned skin. The only thing different about him was obviously his clothes that have changed alot over the years. He opted for black skinny jeans, sneakers and a muscle shirt. Basically he looked like a stereotypical bad boy that you always saw in movies.

We just stared at eachother trying to speak but words weren't forming. Suddenly the silence was broken when Claire toddled out of the house with Leah close behind making sure she didn't fall over.

"Aunty Nyrah," she says and I bent down allowing her to run into my arms. I stood up and hoisted her onto my hip wrapping my arm securely around her.

"Hey princess," I say kissing her forehead then she motioned her hands at Embry so I passed her over to him. Once my arms were free, I rushed forwards and throw my arms around my brother who I thought perished in the fire.

He still smelled like cinnamon and nutmeg, smelling it brought back memories that I'll always cherish. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt like we were kids again and he'd comfort me whenever I was upset. Back then I wasn't that great at magic and he, along with my family, always encouraged me and told me that even though it didn't work as it should, at least I tried my best.

"Where have you been? I thought you were dead," I state pulling away from the hug taking a few steps away so I could see his face. Embry came over and stood behind me with his chest pressed into my back. Him and the guys have gotten so protective of me after we found out about the pregnancy.

"I managed to escape the fire, I wanted to get everyone out but they told me it was no use. I knew you were out on a walk so I went looking for you but found no trace of you. It was like you disappeared off the face of the earth but I never gave up hope that you were still alive and I never stopped searching for you. Until now when you just happened to walk right back into my life," he explains and my heart jumps.

I was happy that he was alive after all and it was touching that he'd been looking for me for over four thousand years. Yet here I was thinking he was dead and I had no one left who I cared about, for years I was lonely and when I finally made a friend that could take away that loneliness, they died. I couldn't stand to lose them so I tried bringing them back which resulted in the first vampire being created.

Soon that vampire created more which caused devastation and destruction. It got to the point where I had to give the Quileutes their abilities because I was lonely again and I hoped that they could get along with the vampires but in the end, the vampires killed some of the Quileutes who now had managed to physically change into wolves because the magic developed beyond what was meant to happen. So everything I had done over the last few millennium was all because I was lonely.

It sounds selfish but I was desperate for that void to be filled, and it was the moment I laid eyes on Embry and became part of a new family.

"Seriously Leah?" A voice says knocking me from my daze. I looked around and saw Leah gazing at Zander, her eyes were dazed and I couldn't help but giggle. She finally imprinted! That just left Jake and Seth now. And proves that female wolves can imprint.

When her eyes became normal again I decided it was time to fill my brother in on everything that was going on because he looked just as confused as Quil did when he imprinted on Claire. It took a good three hours to explain everything that was happening and we all took turns explaining certain things. Leah was too embarrassed to explain that she imprinted on him so I did it for her and that was when he said that he felt their souls combining when they made eye contact.

"Awe my best friend and brother are soulmates," I cooed as I snuggled into Embry who wrapped his arms around me.

"Is she always like this?" Zander asks looking around "because she was always the quiet type,"

Quil laughs "Yeah Cupcake is always like that, it's gotten worse ever since she became pregnant," he says as Claire placed a flower crown on his curly locks. She loves it when I conjured flowers so she could make the crowns.

Zanders eyes go wide as he takes the information in "WHAT!" He screams and his breathing picks up as he glared at Embry. Oh did we not tell him that part? Whoops.

"I guess we forgot to mention that, thanks pup," I say shaking my head at Quil who shrugged. Then I glanced back at my brother "Yeah I'm pregnant. It's a girl! You're going to be an uncle," I explained and sighed when he began calming down. His glare softened and a smile began to creep up his face.

He smirks at Embry "If you hurt her I'll make your life Hell pal," he says and I rolled my eyes. Protective Zander is back, wish Embry luck....

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