Chapter 20: Audio Log & Stencil Art

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Kicking the drug goods sends the dealers in a rage, they then turn and opened fire onto Delsin, but he quickly dodges the bullets dashing away and he threw a cinder bomb at them, smoking them out and subdues the lot of them.

He exhales as he then ran down the street, through the alley, and up the stairs, then as he was making a corner, heading towards the edge of the district. His phone, then ping, making him came to a stop and he pulls it out, he looks down at it, seeing at his scanner was going off and that an audio log was in the area.

He held out his phone and the tracker was on, it was static at first, but as he walks closer towards the building it was getting stronger. He then places his phone away and looks over and saw the vent.

Delsin smirks to himself and dashed right at it, traveling up towards the roof, he flew up into the air and then lands on the ground, he laughs to himself and then pulls out his phone again, opening his tacker and then ran towards the edge of the roof, seeing that the tracker was getting stronger.

As he came to the edge of the roof, he looks out and saw that the log was on the next roof, so he dashed over and lands on the roof, then he ran towards the edge of the roof as the signal was now strongest. Then the audio was downloaded into his phone and plays back

"Augustine gave me a special detail this morning, was one of the worse things I had to do.

I was to oversee the collection of people who tested positive for the Conduit gene.

We pulled me out of those big yellow suspensions pens you see around the city. I pulled twenty people out of those cages, some were kicking scream, begging for me to let them go.

A woman asked me where I was taking her.

I told her that she was going to a safe place, where no one would hurt her and once all this was over she could come home.

I hope this time I was right."

The log then stops and Delsin looks away from his phone and sighs to himself, "You can't blame yourself for what been happening." Electric Fox informs him. But he shook his head. "It's wrong, what Augustine is doing to them, all those people." he said to her, "It was no different for me, except it was the government that wanted to lock me up and use me as a secret agent for their own benefits, but I know how you feel. You can't save everyone Delsin, I learned that the hard way." she informs him.

He exhales to himself and stuffs his hands into his pockets, "Doesn't hurt to try those." he states, then looks down at the edge of the roof and hops off.


Delsin fired a Cinder bomb at the dealers and they went flying back and smack against the ground, he then ran forward and kicks the goods, destroying them. He then subdues them and ran towards the bystanders and heals them, putting them back onto their feet.

They thanked him and went on his way, then he found a vent and flew up towards the roof, as he flew up into the air, he dashed over towards the next building and climbs up it.

Then he ran over and jumps down onto the balcony, then he turns and looks out at the wall of where he wanted to do some art and he thinks of his two choices.

"Pop-Sicle or I Scream Cone.

Delsin wanted to keep it simple and not frighten anyone, so he pulls out his can, shakes it then pulls out cardboard, tapes it to the wall and sprays inside the cut out of ice-cream cone. Once that was done, he pulls the cardboard off and then tapes up the second cardboard and sprays in the explosion cut out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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