Chapter 16: Audio Log and Hidden Camera

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Delsin slams the last druggie down onto the ground, subdues him and then he kicks in the stash and then took off down the alley and into the vent, traveling up onto the roof. But then stays down and out of view of the DUP patrol.

Once they were gone, he dashes towards the next roof, draining the smoke from the pipe, he exhales as his powers were back to the max, then he ran towards the edge of the roof, dashes off it and lands on the next roof as the people that were sitting at the table, look at him in surprise. But he smirks at them, saluting them. Then he ran towards the edge of the roof onto the sign catwalk.

Then he makes it way towards the next roof and then came towards a greenhouse. He then stops as his phone was pinged again. He pulls it out and looks at his messages.

Audio log in your location, Tracker on.

He nods to himself turns on the tracker and held out his phone, the static was there, so he ran forward through the greenhouse, getting closer towards the audio. As he was at the edge of the roof, then he dashes over to the next one.

The signal was getting stronger as he ran forwards along the roof, coming closer towards the edge of the roof as the signal was right in front of him, he then dashes down to the lower roof and steps towards the power outlet.

Then he was right in the range of the log, his phone downloads the audio and it plays back for him.

"I never would have told this to his face, but Hank Daughtry was smarter than I ever gave him credit for.

The guy escapes from a couple of jails before we came across him.

Plus he managed to keep his head while in Curdun Cay, something even the smartest of inmates had problems with.

The rumor around the water cooler was that he might have been the one who caused the transport accident up on Salmon Bay.

But I knew better it was her. The Electric Fox, the legend herself, she was the one who caused the accident and the one who let Hank and those other two Conduits escape.

She never forgave us for torturing her, trying to experiment on her. She was a hero, she saved all of humanity seven years ago and this was how we rewarded her.

Just think how different your world would be right now if she and Hank hadn't been on that transport."

The Audio ends and Delsin exhales as he turns away and sat down, "They tortured you?" Delsin questions. "Augustine was trying to figure out what made me tick and how to copy my powers onto her men. I refused to give her anything, I would drain myself of Electricity and reduced myself to a drug addict suffering through withdrawals. It was painful and lethal to myself, but it was worth it to see how pissed Augustine became." she informs her.

He exhales and looks down at his hands, "That's why you beat the guards." he states, "When you're on the edge of death for a long time, you stop thinking. You don't plan. You just attack and try to find the drug to feel better." she informs him. "And this bit of you saving humanity?" he asks her and she pauses. "That was another life, too much pain. Too many memories," she answers him. "You do know when I take your powers. I will be inside your head, reliving everything you went through," he informs her.

She said nothing on the line, "I hope you're ready by the time you do because there's a lot of shades of gray then people may not remember or care to." she informs him and hung up, Delsin looks out at the city, he places his phone away then stood up and jumps off the roof.


A cinder bomb was thrown out in the little group of the druggies, it blows and covers their faces in smoke, then Delsin jumps down, subduing the druggies. Every last one of them and then he looks at the stash and kicks it, destroying the drugs inside the stash.

Delsin exhales as he looks down at the druggies he took down and then he jumps off the roof, dashing forward and he glides over the bridge. Once he was down on the ground. He ran into a small park and then he stops as his phone pings and Delsin pulls it out and saw that his hidden camera alert went off.

Informing him that a camera was somewhere in the area. Then he pulls up the app and looks down at his phone, seeing through the eye of the camera.

It was somewhere up high, close by, right over the park and Delsin was out of view of the camera.

He places his phone away, then steps out from under the umbrella and looks up at the wall before him and looks up high, he aims his hand and looks out at the edge of the roof before him, keeping his eye out, then hidden right under the ledge was the camera.

Delsin scoffs then fired, taking the camera. "Sorry, pervs," Delsin said aloud as he lowers his arm, looking away from the wall and walks away as he was proud of himself.

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