Chapter 5: Hidden Camera & Stencil Art

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Delsin sat on the roof of a building and looks up at the Space Needle, "One day, my beautiful friend." he states then his phone went off. "'Ello?" he answers "Delsin, I was able to track down a hidden camera and found a hidden camera close to the side park. I installed a tracker so you can find it and destroy it." Electric Fox informs him.

He stood up and looks out, seeing that he was not far away, "Sounds good." he states, "And I believe I found the perfect spot for you to do one of your stencil arts. I'll mark it on your phone." she informs him and he was surprised she knew about his passion. "How did you know I love art?" he asks her, "I looked at your criminal records." she answers him, "How did you..." he asks. "Conduit, remember?" she reminds him. "Right," he mutters then hung up the phone.

He then dashes off the roof, falling as he landed on the ground and ran for the side back, he ran through the alleyways, but then stops as he ran into a shoot out between druggie and the cops.

Delsin aims his hand and took out the druggies and destroyed the drug box, he then looks at the cops, saluting them and took off running and then he stops in the walk area as people were passing by him. Then he picks up his phone and looks at the screen. He was looking for through the eyes of the Hidden camera.

It was somewhere behind him, but luckily he was standing in the sun, the camera couldn't see him, so he was in the clear. Then he places his phone away turns towards the building where the camera was at.

He then spotted the small black camera in the same position of what his phone has shown him, then he aims hand and fired a bolt, taking out the camera. He then smirks to himself, dusting off his hands and pulls out his phone and looks down at the area where Electric Fox sent him.


Delsin was in luck as the area was not too far from where he was, so he stood in front of the fence and looks at the blank canvas before him.

He had two chooses; paint a Bone to Pick or a Nut Job.

He wanted to play it safe, so the nut job was his choice of art. He pulls out his can, shaking it, then pulls out the cardboard that had a cutout squirrel on it, then he tapes it up and sprays on the cutout squirrel. He smirks as he likes the style of the art. Then he pulls the cardboard off then tapes up another one of a nut.

He pulls out another can, he shakes it and then sprays onto the cardboard, getting the area of the nut cutout. Once he was gone, he takes off the cardboard and pulls out the last cardboard that was the shading on it, then tapes it on, pulling out the can, shakes it and sprays it onto the cardboard, getting inside the cutout area.

Once he was down, he pulls off the cardboard and looks at the squirrel, seeing that it was perfect. Then he adds in the finishing touches. "A man. A plan and an airsoft can," he said to himself as it was an artwork of a squirrel running towards a pile of nuts and on top was a squirrel that was trying to break open the nuts with a nutcracker.

He smirks to himself as he admires his work and then his phone pings again. He pulls it out and looks down at it, seeing maps were pulled up and a location was pinned in it. He smirks as a text went through.

Another blank canvas waiting for you.


He arrives in an overlook by the street. He looks up at the wall, seeing that it was in need of good art for other people to admire then weigh his options.

The Queen of Mean or Presto Strange-O.

He wanted to be something he likes and that others would like as well and the queen of mean would be a turndown. So he went to option two. Presto Strange-o. He pulls out his can, shaking it. Then he pulls out the cardboard, taping it to the wall and looks at the cut-out area on the cardboard.

He sprays inside the area of the cut-out hand, keeping in closer inside, making sure to get all of the edges and to not miss a spot. Then he stops, pulling the cardboard off and looks down at it.

Then he tapes on the next cardboard as it was the band wrap for the cap, then he shakes the can and sprays on the cardboard, getting the cut-out band wraps covered in blue.

Once that was gone, he pulls off the cardboard and looks out it was coming together. Then he places on the last cardboard, then sprays on white paint and finished up the cap. He then pulls off the cardboard and looks out at the art he's done.

Then he adds in the finishing touches and the artwork was of a magician pulling a DUP bunny out of the hat. He steps back and admires his artwork. "Huh, just mad the work a little better place," he states then took off running. 

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