Chapter 8: Hidden Camera & Audio Log

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Delsin ran down the road, he made a few stops as he was healing people hurt or wounded the DUP and/or druggies. They thanked him and he continued on his way. Then he ran into an alley, The Electric Fox informed of the hidden camera somewhere close to the docks then he looks down at his phone and loaded the hidden camera eyes. He was looking through the camera and he then saw that the camera was somewhere behind him.

He turns around and walks forward keeping his eye on his phone as it showed that he was getting closer to the camera. Then he came to a stop as he saw that he was right in front of the camera. He then places his phone away and looks up and right under the catwalk was the camera was, hiding under the sun.

Delsin aims his hand and he took out the camera, cutting off one of the many DUP eyes. He then exhales as he turns away. He walks out of the alley and down the street, then his phone went off. "Delsin here," he answers. "Delsin, it's me. Remember asking me about a masked woman?" Reggie asks him, "And?" Delsin asks him. "It says here, the DUP apprehended a Bio-terrorist matching your description 2 years ago. Saying that she was the most dangerous one of them all." Reggie informs him. "Why was she considered dangerous?" Delsin asks him.

Reggie pauses for a moment "She has the power over electricity, but she mostly used her power to heal the sick and wounded, restore power, and jump-started cars." he informs him Delsin states as he listens then was in disbelief. "Seriously, this woman helps people and they rewarded her by handing her over?" he questions. "Actually they didn't hand her over, according to here. She's was on the run for 6 years, never stayed at one place for long, but when she was in a small town, the DUP came and ordered everyone to be scanned for any possible Bio-terrorist. She saw that a child was refusing to comply and they were about to gun them down until she intervened and stopped them, but she was caught and taken to Curdan Cay." Reggie informs him.

Then Delsin threw up his hand, "That's what I mean, not all conduits are monsters, Reggie. The Electric Fox could have run to save herself and left that kid be killed, but no. She took a stand and protected the kid, not something a monster would too." Delsin informs him. "Yeah well, it says here, she beat the guards half to death, then made her escape out of the facility, hasn't been seen since, until..." Reggie states.

And it clicks in Delsin's head "Until in Salmon Bay, with the transport for the other conduits. She came out of finding to save others like her." he mutters then huffs to himself. "Delsin, you have to be careful around her, she's dangerous," Reggie informs him, but Delsin shook his head. "I don't think so, I think she's lost and needs friends," he informs him. "Right, cause a Bio-terrorist needs friends." Reggie laughs a little at that. "Reggie, you and the world keep forgetting that besides the conduits being conduits, they're still people. They breath like you and me. They talk like you and me, they get hungry, tired. They feel like you and me." Delsin informs him. "You can't save them all, Delsin," Reggie informs him and hung up.

Delsin sighs to himself. "You didn't need to stick up for me, Delsin." Electric Fox informs him. "Yeah, well. I know you're human just like the rest of us," he informs her and he huffs softly on the line. "After my stay at Curdan Cay. I'm not so sure anymore," she states, he stops and leans against the wall. "What happened there?" he asks, "You saw Hank's memories, right? It was like that with me, but worse. Much worse," she informs him, he sighs and grips the back of his neck. "You know you can talk to me, right?" he informs her. "Old habits die hard," she informs him and hung up.

Then his phone pings again, he pulls it away and looks down at it, seeing that it was the location of the area of the audio log. He exhales to himself and took off running.


Delsin was standing on a roof of a building, looking down at his phone, and started up the tracker. He the tracker pointed somewhere behind him, so he turns around and walks towards the edge of the roof and jumps down onto the next roof, then he drops down and walks towards the street.

But then a DUP truck stops and the DUP step out, but Delsin fired at them taking them out one at a time.

Then he held his phone back up and he walks into an alleyway, following the static tracker, he walks down the alley as the signal was getting stronger. But as he took another step, the signal only has gotten far. Then he looks down at the dead-end below him and he jumps down.

The signal was stronger than ever and it finally caught the log and it downloads into his phone, playing back the audio log.

"I remember when all this started for me I was military; they already had my blood on file.

I was the only one in my unit that tested positive for the Conduit gene.

They offered me a transfer to the special affairs department of the newly formed DUP. I was running down Bio-terrorist and making America a safer place for Ma and Pa.

I went for it.

I went for all of it.

Even when they were driving all the needle in me and pumping me full of God knows what.

Even though the headaches and the seizures, I believed the mission, I believed HER. Augustine."

The audio then ends and Delsin places his phone away, "Is that how she recruits them?" Delsin asks aloud. "She a master at manipulating people, Delsin. She makes these huge promises of making the world a better place for everyone. She promised that to me as well." Electric Fox informs him. He climbs up out of the dead-end and back into the alley. "Did you take it?" he asks.

She sighs on the line. "I almost did until I remembered where I was." she answers him, "Curdan Cay?" he asks, "No. A cage," she answers. "You must of hated it there." he states and she shrugs at him, "I made some friends with the prisoners there, when I broke out, I helped them out as well and we went our separate way once we were free," she informs him.

He walks out of the alley and down the road, "Did you keep in contact with them?" he asks her, "I tried to, but they thought that the DUP would track our contact and come after us again, so we all agreed to never come in contact with one another, no matter how much we missed one another." she informs him. "What have you been doing all this time?" he asks. "A little bit of this and a little bit of that," she answers.

He sighs to himself, "Are not going to give a straight answer are you?" he questions her, "Not really, no." she answers and hung up. He sighs and places his phone away. Then he took off down the street.

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