Chapter 18: Paramount Communications Mobile

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Delsin ran into the next District, taking down the druggies, then he ran further into the district, he spotted a checkpoint and dashed forward and slams his fist onto the bridge, tearing it down, then DUP guards fired onto him and he threw out a cinder grenade, smoking them out, then he ran forward and subdued them, he then ran towards the cages and broke open the doors. Then he ran to the next two checkpoints that were on the edges of the district and he took out the guards, breaking down the towers, destroyed the hand scanners and freed the suspects.

Once that was taken care off, he down the street and smoke out two subdued them, he then was stopped by a patrol and the auto-turret fired onto him, he dashed away and fired back onto the turret and DUP, taking them out, one by one. Once they were own, he ran back to the controlled area of the DUP Center, seeing a vent close by, he dashed through a vent and traveled up towards the controlled area, but then slides to a stop and quickly hid behind the wall and looks out at the camera as it was scanning the area.

He exhales as he pulls away and squats down, thinking of a plan, "Okay, I gotta take out the cameras and the towers, take out the turrets and beat the living crap out of the DUP." he states, "Great, how do you plan to execute that plan?" The Electric Fox asks him. Delsin jumps back, falling off his legs and looks at her as she too was squatting next to him, her chin placed on her hand, frowning at him. "Don't do that. Jeez!" he shouts as he pulls himself back up. "So your plan," she said to him.

Delsin sighs at her as he dusted off his side and looks at her, "We need to take out the cameras and the turrets first, they're going to be a problem." he informs her, she hums to herself, then zaps away, Delsin looks around, to see where she ran off to. Then he peeks out and saw the camera explode. He was shocked as the same happened with the other cameras and as well.

This sets the DUP off as the turrets explode as well and they looked around to find the Conduit that was exploding the cameras and turrets. Then the Electric Fox zaps back next to him and he looks at her, "I took care of it, the rest is you." she said to him and zaps away, he sighs at her then ran out, he threw bombs at the DUP, taking them out as they opened fire onto him, then Delsin flew out cinder grenades, smoking the DUP out and he subdued them.

He then dashes away as the heavy opened fire onto him, he quickly hid behind a wall and peeks out at the heavy, then he exhales then dashes out to the man, threw cinder bombs at him and took his armor. Then the heavy retreats into his little dome to recharge, but Delsin ran towards him and throws him out and subdued him.

Once everything was taken care of, he ran towards the mobile, firing at the vent covers on the right side, taking them out and exposing the vents. Then he fired, destroying the vents. Then he dashed over towards the left side, fired at the covers and exposing the vents and opened fire onto them.

Once they were destroyed, two of the DUP steps out with their hands up, he ran towards them and subdues both of them. Then he dashed up onto the mobile, pulls the core out and fired onto it, breaking it down as the damage became serve and then drops the core, dashed off and watched as the Mobile went up in flames.

Delsin exhales as he looks down at the damage he's done and he exhales, shrugging his shoulders then turns and walks away.

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