Chapter 13: The Gauntlet

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Delsin makes his way to the park where the space needle was housed at and Delsin looks up at the magnificent craftsmanship "You're gonna have to get to the top of the needle." Reggie informs him, Delsin dashes up to the glass ceiling and looks out at the air vent "It's a nice say, I'll just climb to the top." he jokes then he dashes into the air vent, it shot him up to the sign and he climbs up it.

Making it to the next part, "Hey, Reg... hypothetical, you know, theoretical, totally what if question here, but what would be the explanation here to draw the power form some conduits, say I don't know... Hank, and not others, like... one of these DUP troopers?" Delsin asks him, "Oh MY God, so you DID try it earlier." Reggie snaps at him. "HEY, I'm not looking for an I told you so here, Reg. I'm looking for... an answer." Delsin informs him. "I already told you, Delsin. They weren't a prime Conduit like you and me, they were conduits with the power copied onto them." The Electric Fox informs him.

Delsin exhales to himself. "Oh," he answers. "Who the hell are you?" Reggie asks her, "The woman you were looking into, hello Reggie." she answers him. "Oh my God, you've been in contact with her?!" Reggie shouts, "Reggie come on, she's been helping since I got here." Delsin informs him. "You've been working with the most dangerous bio-terrorist for about a week and you didn't bother to tell me!?" Reggie snaps at him. "I prefer the term Conduit." Electric Fox informs him. "Don't," he warns her.

She sighs on the line, "How did you even tap into his line?" he questions her, "Conduit, remember?" she informs him and Reggie just sighs. "As I said, you need the absorb the power of the prime conduit, that's how you gain their power." she informs him, "Are you sure?" Reggie questions her, "I wouldn't be saying it if I wasn't." she informs him. Delsin rolls his eyes at the both of them then dashes at the vent and he shot up into the sky and lands on the ladder and then he climbs up it and pulls himself up onto the next platform and then climbs up the panels and then onto the next platform.

He then looks around, finding a ladder on the side, then he climbs up to the top of the ladder and reaches the end of it, then he jumps onto the thick wire and climbs up it, but then he stops as he saw the elevator to the space needle lose it grip and came crashing towards him. "Whoa. Whoa! Whoa!" he shouts as he braced himself. But then the elevator stops and he peeks his eye open and looks at it, "Whoa... okay." he mutters then continues up the wire, "The DUP shut those things lockdown." Delsin mutters to himself as he came to a pole.

He jumps onto it and then glides over towards the next platform "Well, I suppose Electric Fox is right, that theoretically, hypothetical you can only drain powers from, uh, a conduit that has them naturally." Reggie informs him. "Prime Conduit." Electric Fox corrects him. "Yeah, that. A prime conduit, like Hank, or hopefully, Augustine." he agrees with her as Delsin climbs up the side and pulls himself onto a panel. "The D.U.P guys got all their weaker powers from Augustine, so maybe that can't pass them on, even to you," Reggie informs him as Delsin jumps up to the next panel. "So you're saying that we have to keep going. Read you loud and clear." Delsin states as he pulls himself onto the catwalk. "Don't push it," Reggie warns him.

Delsin smirks, "Well, to be clear, that is what you're saying." Electric Fox informs him, "And you... don't encourage him." he warns her, Delsin chuckles at him. "And next time, don't lie to me, okay? Trust your brother a little more than that, will ya?" Reggie asks him. Delsin then looks over and saw the ladder were at a good distance, then he glides over towards them, gripping onto the ladder and climbs up onto the platform. "Man, this stuff is even uglier on the inside. Looking forward to taking this stuff down," he said aloud.

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