Chapter 6: Queen Anne District Showdown

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Delsin stood in front of the billboard as it as of the DUP hotline, and little artwork that just covered the bottom of the billboard.

He sighs to himself as he then pulled out his can and cell phone. He dials the number on the billboard and it rings as he shakes the can and sprays his artwork, covering up the entire board, "Hi, you have reached the DUP hotline, do you have a Bio-terrorist to report?" the woman on the line asks as Delsin was done. "Uhh... there's been a disturbance nearby, but a rather handsome Bio-terrorist. He decided to vandalize your billboard." Delsin said in a deep voice.

He then admires his work, "Play hold and stays on the line, DUP troopers will be by soon to take care of the threat." the woman informs him and hung up. Then Delsin chuckles to himself. "I will never get tired of this," he states, placing the can and his phone away as he then turns and turns looking out at the trucks of DUP soldiers that drove up towards the billboard.

He then dashes out over the DUP and then smoke-slams onto the ground, knocking them back a little, but then the gun turret on the truck opens fire into him. But he dashes away, taking cover behind the building, then he ran further down the building and found an air vent, he flew through it, traveling up to the roof, then he looks out at the snipers on the roof and then he aims his hand and fired at them, taking out the snipers.

Delsin then looks down at the turret truck and it opens fires into him and Delsin fell back unto the cover and he exhales as he could take out the rest of the DUP below, then he moves over towards the side and looks out and he saw the Electric Fox walks out and looks at the truck and it was turret to her, it opens fire, but she threw up her shield, blocking the bullets from touching her. Then she raised up her other hand with an electric cracking ball in her hand, then she threw it at the tank.

Then she turns away as the truck then blew up and took the turret along with it, "The rest is up to you." Electric Fox calls out to him, then she zaps away from the area. Delsin smirks to himself as he then moves back to the other ledge and looks down at it. Seeing the DUP aiming their rifles up at him and opened fire, but then Delsin jumps down from the ledge, then smoke slams onto the ground again, then he pulls out his chain and swung at the DUP, taking out two.

But the three open fire onto him, then Delsin took cover behind the wall and looks out at the two armor truck. He smirks to himself and then ran back behind the building, dashing into the vent, ending up back on the roof, then he dashes out off the roof and smoke slams onto the two trucks, taking them out and knocked the three men back, Delsin then dashes at then, pulling out chain and swung at them.

He managed to take the two out and the last one threw down his weapon and held up his arms, Delsin marches at him and subdued him, then Delsin dashed back up onto the billboard and looks out, seeing the Queen Anne District had taken from DUP control.

He sat down, smirking proudly to himself, then his phone went off again, "Did you enjoy the show?" he asks, "It wasn't... too boring. Congratulation, Delsin Rowe. Queen Anne District is free from DUP control and this is just the start." Electric Fox informs him. "Oh come on, I just took down the DUP." he whines at her, "But you also too back 1% of the City, you just need 99% to go," he states, he groans as he lays back. "You've got a long to way, Delsin. Get a move on." Electric Fox informs him and ends the calls.

Delsin sighs to himself then sat up and stood on his feet, looking out at the city. "Damn, I hate when she's right," he mutters, then took a step forward and jumps off the billboard stand.

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