Chapter. 1: The Akomish Tribe

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Chapter. 1: The Akomish Tribe

Ten years ago, a small group of humans called 'Conduits' spontaneously acquired control over certain natural elements that they could use as weapons.

The Department of Unified Protection was formed to hunt down and indefinitely detain all conduits (Re-classified as Bio-terrorists.) to protect the population.

It's now believed that Bio-terrorists have been successfully captured and lock away.

As a result, the Department of Unified Protection is being phased out, with the Military assuming oversight of the imprisoned Bio-terrorists.

Today, the first Military transport of Bio-terrorists leaves the D.U.P detention facility at Curdun Cay Station headed for an army prison in upstate Washington...

It never arrived.


A heavy fortified truck was driving down the road to the army prison. But in the shadows a person was panting as they zap up at a tree branch, panting, they then smirk to themselves. "Not today," they mutter to themselves, wearing the mask of a Kitsune fox pulling on their hood and zaps out again.

Somewhere far out at Salmon Bay country, there was a Fish Cannery and longhouse, but a man that was in his twenties, he climbs the fence, then drops down on the other side and quickly ran up onto the top of the roof of the fish cannery and stood in front of the Billboard, he pulls out a spray can, then some cardboards and he sprays on them, then after he was finished, he pulls them off, puts on another set and sprays on them as well, then as he was done he pulls the cardboard off and steps back from his masterpiece. "Hey, if art is a crime then just-" he starts, but then a siren went off, making the man duck down quickly. "Dammit!" he swore as he saw a police truck pull in next to the powerhouse.

"Okay, think Delsin, think," Delsin tells himself as he steps over to the side then looks out the longhouse. "Ah, party at the longhouse. Just gotta get there, mingle and establish an alibi. I'm a goddamn criminal mastermind." Delsin smirks to himself as he places the can away and then crawls back into the shaft, closing it behind him. He drops down onto the floor and looks around the powerhouse. "Alright. Yea this should work," he tells himself as he takes a few steps forward. But then accidentally hits a can with his foot, making noise. "Oh! Genius, really genius." Delsin whispers to himself as the can roll across the floor.

The for to the office opens and out step an old woman armed with a stapler, "Who's out there?" she questions, Delsin sigh as he relaxes, "It's just me, Betty." he calls out. She then turns and looks at him, "Delsin!" she exclaims "Would you put the stapler down, seriously." he tells her and she did so as he walks over to her. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at the big "to-do" at the longhouse?" she questions him. "Oh, um..." he thinks up a really good excuse, "Yes, I'm just didn't feel all that Akomish tonight. But you look amazing, looks great on you. Seriously." he answers her, then tries to run for it, but Betty grabs his arm and turns him back to her.

"What were you doing up on the roof?" she questions him, not falling for his cheap flattery. "Nothing, just..." he tries again with another excuse, "Were you up to mischief?" she asks him, he went to answers her, but then they both heard pounding on the door and looks over, "Come on, I know you're in there, so just come on out. Or I'll call Betty and she'll be here in five minutes with the keys." the officer calls out. Then Betty and Delsin turn back to each other as Delsin lets out a nervous laugh, "You were up to mischief." she states as he was found out. "OK, come on, seriously, what are you going to do?" he asks her, knowing that he was screwed. "I have no choice, he's a cop," she tells him, Delsin just sighs.

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