Chapter 7: Secret Agent & Stencil Art

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Walking through Market District was like a breeze for Delsin, but it was still in control of the DUP, he just needed to break it somehow. His phone then pings and he pulls it out and saw the location of a secret Agent and his identity. Then he looks down at the message that followed.

The rest is up to you.

He smirks to himself and places his phone away, then ran out to an alley walkthrough and dashes down to the people that were just walking through. He pulls out his phone again and looks at the photo of the agent that was walking among them. White man, blonde hair and a gray sweatshirt.

Delsin sighs and then he looks around the area, then from the corner of his eye, he saw the exact man from the photo walk right past him, Delsin quickly places the phone away and turns to him, he reaches out to catch him. But the man dashes forward and took off running. "Get back here!" Delsin calls out and he took off after him.

The agent ran through the center, into the small closed-off park, trying to evade Delsin, but Delsin was catching up to him. He dashed through the wall and Delsin climbs up the wall and dashes right over it, then the agent ran through the alley and Delsin dashed through it, catching up to him. The man went to dash again, but Delsin whips his chain out and catches the agent by the ankle and jerks him right back, making him smack onto the ground and Delsin subdued him.

He pants and looks down at him, "Why do you always run? I'm gonna catch up whether you like it or not." he mutter, then groans as he places his hands onto his hips, "Man, that was a workout." he mutters to himself, then stretches and shakes out his hands, "Deep breathes. Deep breathes." he mutters to himself. Then his phone pinged again and he pulls it out, seeing two spots in Seattle Center were marked for him. He smirks as the message followed.

Want to do more artwork?

He places his phone away, looking down at the agent, "Have fun, the cops will be by soon." he informs him and dashes out of the alley and took off down the street.


Delsin ended up somewhere at the port, then he looks down at his phone, seeing that the location was close by, he then ran closer towards a warehouse and stops in front of it. Then he found a wall between two of the windows and smirks to himself. Now he just needed to pick the art.

Cailmari's Revenge or Pastree!

He thinks to himself for a moment, then snaps his fingers and thought of the perfect art. He pulls out his can sharking it, then pulls out cardboard, tapes it onto the wall and looks out at the cut out of a child.

He sprays the area in, making sure of getting every corner, then he places his can down and pulls the cardboard off the wall and looks out at the spray paint of girl then he pulls out the next cardboard and tapes it over the spray paint, then shakes the next can and sprays over the little girl spray paint.

Once he was done, he took off the cardboard and looks out at the spray paint, it was the perfect shading of the painting then he adds in the finishing touches.

It was a little girl looking up at the plant and there was a cupcake on top of it, "A man. A plan and an airsoft can." he said to himself as he was proud of his work.

Then he places his paint can away and pulls out his phone and looks down at the next location and saw that it was not too far from him. He then places his phone away and took off running.


Delsin arrives at the location but saw that it was not on the ground, it was above him. He then looks around, running around the building and then found a vent, he flew into it, traveling up onto the roof and was high in the air.

Then he dashes forwards, over to the next roof and lands on his feet, he then looks around and found the door that leads inside the building. It was on the side of the cover of the stairwell that was his canvas. Then he weighs his choices.

Rock 'em Sock 'em Icon or Straining Wheel.

It wasn't a hard chose as he wanted to prove to everyone that not all Conduits were monsters, then he pulls out his can, shakes it then pulls out the cardboard and tapes it onto the wall, then he sprays in the cut out of the biker and takes the cardboard off and looks at his work as it was perfect, then he places another cardboard on, taping it on top.

Then he pulls out the can and sprays in the small cutout area of the shirt. And he pulls the cardboard off and looks at his work, it was fitting in perfectly. Then he placed on the last of the cardboard and sprays in the shading and then he took it off and looks at his work and adds in the finishing touches. He smirks to himself as he crosses his arms, "I'm waking the world a better place." he states, then got another ping on his phone, he places his can away and looks down his phone.

It was the third location Stencil art tag, he smirks to himself, then places his phone away, he turns away and ran for the edge off the roof and jumps right off it.


He ran down the street and came to a parking lot, then found the place to spray right next to the fire escape. And thinks about his choices.

You scratch my Back or Stairwell to Heaven

He smirks to himself then pulls out his can, sharking it, then places the cardboard onto the wall, tapping it on tight, then he sprays into the small white cuts out, once they were filled in, Delsin pulls off the cardboard and then he places on the next one.

He then pulls out the next can and fills in the body cut out, making sure to get the edges and inside of the cut-out of the cardboard. Once he was done, he pulls out the last cardboard and it was of the armor patting. He pulls out his can and shakes it.

Delsin sprays in the padding and once done, he takes the cardboard and then he admires his art of the DUP soldier. Then he adds in the finishing touches and he steps back. "You're welcome world," he said as the artwork was of DUP climbing up the fire escape, only to be punched in the face, but a punching fist from the door.

He chuckles to himself placing his can away and then ran out of the parking lot, as he ran down the street. The Electric Fox was sitting on the building as he ran past. She smirks to himself as she looks down at the photo in her hand, she smiles sadly at it, but fondly remembers the time she too was running around cities, taking back territory from her enemies.

She places the photo back in her pocket, then she stood up and walks away from the edge off the roof and zaps away.

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