Chapter 11: Audio Log & Hidden Camera

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He walks into the parking garage and his phone was pinged, he stops pulls out his phone and saw the message Electric Fox sent to him.

Audio log in area, turn on tracker.

Delsin pulls out of his messages then he turns on his tracker and held out his phone, the static was there, weak, but there. He ran to the stairwell and up to the third floor of the building.

The signal pulls him close to the wall of the building, it has gotten stronger, but it wasn't enough to download it, then he pulls back and ran to the top of the roof and the signal was getting stronger as he was to the same spot on top of the roof.

The words were almost there too but the signal was still too much static intervening with the signal. So, he pulls himself up behind the sign and the audio was then downloaded into his phone and the log replays

"Augustine's looking for you, she's looking hard, man.

Just the other day, we pulled up to a DUP protest, and immediately 'grounded' the protesters.

That's what we call encasing them in concrete.

Augustine said that the first person who told her where to find Delsin Rowe would go free.

Once those concrete daggers dig into your joints, you'll say anything to get them out.

Every single one of them swore on their mother's grave that they could lead her right to you.

I'm sure it was all lies, but just the same, watch your back."

The audio ends and Delsin exhales and sat down, his arms leaning on his knee, shocked at his information. "This was bound to happen sooner or later." Electric Fox warns him. "She's willing to hurt innocent people just to get to me." he mutters, "That's how it works, Delsin." the Electric Fox informs him.

He scoffs and looks away, "Oh yeah?" he questions her, "It's never easy when you want to do something about the villainy, you start as a passing whim to them, then when you start to build a name. You become a problem to them, then you become a hero and you are the thorn in their side." she informs him.

He looks back at his phone, "Speaking from experience?" he asks her, "You could say something like that." she answers and ends the call. He sighs to himself, placing his phone away then he stood up and jumps off the side of the building.


Delsin was through the parking lot, kicking a can at his feet. Then his phone pinged and he stops and pulls it out, it was an alert of a hidden camera nearby, then he turns it over to the app and he was looking through the eye of the camera.

It was overseeing the whole parking lot and he saw that it was close by, he pulls away from his phone and saw that the tree was exactly like the one from the camera's point of view.

So he ran towards the tree, then climbs up the side of the building and onto the balcony and looks down at his phone again and saw that the camera was even closer now, he looks up and saw that it was in the corner of the roof, he aims his hand and took it out, "Sorry, pervs." he said aloud, then dust his hands off and ran.

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