Chapter 17: George Town Showdown

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Delsin dashes through the vent, traveling up towards the roof, then glides over towards the billboard, gripping onto the edge and pulls himself up and looks up at the help number of the DUP.

He chuckles to himself, pulling out his can and shakes it, then he pulls out his phone and speed dials the number. He waited for an answer as he sprays tagged the billboard "Hi, you have reached the DUP helpline, do you have a Bio-terrorist incident to report?" the woman on the line asks him.

Delsin steps back and admires his work on the billboard. "Guess what, another billboard is covered, by a bio-terrorist, whatever will I do," he states as he was acting shocked at this discovery. "I recognize your voice, sire, this isn't funny, we will... handle you," she warns him. He just chuckles to himself, "All right lady, bring it on." he accepted that challenge.

Then he places the spray can away and turns seeing the chopper flying right towards him. Then he looks down at the two roofs and saw snipers. He smirks to himself and jumps off the billboard and took cover behind the stand. The chopper locks onto him and opens fire, only hitting the stand of the billboard.

Then the snipers lock onto him and open fire, but the bullets fly through the stand and hit Delsin, making him stumbles back a little and groan in pain. "Damn that hurts," he mutters to himself. "Than taking out the chopper with your missiles. Then you can focus on the snipers." Electric Fox informs him.

Delsin exhales with a roll of his eyes, then he looks out at the chopper as it looks for him, then he jumps out and fired his missiles onto it, it took about three tries, but the chopper explodes in the air, making Delsin cheer and fist pump, then he saw the little green dots and looks out at the snipers.

As they fired onto him, he dives back into the cover as the bullets flew past him. He exhales to himself and then looks back at them, then a plan forms in his head.

He ran out of cover than dashed straight off the roof, flying over towards the roof on the left, once he lands, he threw a cinder bomb and smoked both of the men out, making them cough and he dashed right for them, subduing them. He smirks and looks over at the next roof, seeing the last two snipers on the roof, he then ran towards the edge of the roof and dashes towards the next roof and lands on it, he looks up at the two snipers and tossed a cinder bomb towards them.

It explodes and covers them in smoke, the cough as their focus as gone, he then ran towards them and subdues them. They struggle in their bindings, Delsin smirks down at the DUP then dashes off the roof, glides back towards the billboard and sat down on the edge and looks out at George Town and exhales with satisfaction.

From a distance, the Electric Fox was watching him, a sad smile on her face as she looks down at the photo of people gathered in close on a rooftop and they were all smiling.

She sighs to herself, placing the photo away, then she looks over her shoulder Delsin, seeing that he was very pleased with himself, then she looks away, zaps away and was gone.

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