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The leaves crunched underneath my worn down boots as I walked towards the doors of New York Academy Of Art. I gripped the cold steel handle and pulled it open, suddenly getting hit with the warmth of inside. Sighing in relief, I unbuttoned my jacket and gloves. No one ever told me that New York got this cold. I walked over to the map and put my finger on the point where I was and where I needed to go- the administration office.

The office was only a couple of halls down from where I had just entered.


I shoved my gloves into my old purse and made my way down an empty, bright colored hallway. Reaching my destination, I walked up to the desk where a boy my age was typing away on his computer. His dark brown hair was styled to perfection, his brown eyes framed by thick black glasses. I stood there for a few moments, waiting for him to catch on that I was waiting for him.

I waited several minutes, watching his face change expressions several times as he read something on his screen. "Excuse me?" I politely said as I tapped my nails softly on the desk. The boy slowly looked at me, his lips forming into a smile. His jaw line was well toned, his smile was- in other words- perfect. He was handsome.

"Hi there! Welcome to NYAA! What can I do for you?" He asked as he closed his silver laptop, turning his full attention on me. I noticed that he had several stickers stuck to the surface. Batman, bands and other cool looking ones decorated the surface of the computer. I couldn't believe that this was coming to a reality, I was finally accepted into the Art Academy after many failed attempts.The first time I sent my application in, it was lost in the mail. Second, the school didn't look at it.

Or so that's what they say. I still think my parents had something to do with that.

NYAA was hard to get into, only the most talented kids had a chance. Add rich to that list, too. I could already feel my pockets burning.

"I'm actually new and I need to sign up for-"

"Classes! Here you go. Just check off the ones you would like to take, after that we can get you set up." He said. I gave him a small smile and looked down at his simple name tag.


I grabbed the clipboard from Zayn and walked to an empty chair. It didn't take me long to choose the classes, and Zayn looked surprised when I handed it back to him. I said a quick thank you and walked away, slipping my gloves back on my cold hands. Hoping that the market was close, I quickened my pace.

"NO! I need that class! I payed you to get me a seat!" A deep voice boomed. I stopped in my tracks and slowly looked back at the boy who was losing his temper.

"You didn't pay me anything. Sorry but for the tenth time that class is full. So check something else." Zayn said, his tone harsh and annoyed.

The boy called Zayn a harsh name, turning slightly to look at me. "Who are you? Did anyone teach you not to eavesdrop?" The angry boy snarled.

I sighed and pushed my hair away from my face. "Yes, but I heard your annoyingly loud mouth you have. You should quiet down, it's quite distracting if you ask me." I said as I sent him a fake smile. I heard Zayn stifled a laugh as the unknown boy glared at me.

"I don't know who you are, but I will come and find you. Karma is a-"

"Yeah, I've heard that before." I cut him off. " You can go now."

"Bye!" Zayn added as the boy turned and stormed off. "You have guts.." I heard him mumble.

"Why? I turned back to face Zayn.

"That's someone you don't want to mess with. His name is Harry. Harry Styles."

"And? Does it have to do with his last name?" Zayn laughed at my question and shook his head.

"No. He's rich, cocky, rude and ignorant." Zayn said looking at the school computer screen. "And that's all I'm going to say because it looks like you have the same exact classes with him!"

"You have got to be kidding me...""

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