You're Hot, and Not in a Good Way (YakuLev)

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Yaku was absolutely, incredibly, indescribably pissed. Not only had Lev been slacking off during practices for the past two weeks, he was starting to straight up skip practices now too. Yaku had been waiting twenty minutes for the Skyscraper when he'd realized that Lev wasn't going to show up. It was the first time he had missed practice all year.

"Kuro, I'm stopping by Lev's house! I want to see what's so important that that noob thinks he can skip practice," Yaku said, turning to the captain that was busy draining his water bottle.

"Knock yourself out," Kuro said, glancing towards his phone.

Kenma was gone for the week, something about family obligations, and everyone on the team knew that Kuro was waiting not so patiently for their setter to come back. He'd been on edge so much that he'd nearly snapped at one of the first years when they'd made a mistake.

Yaku nodded, changing quickly, then dashing out the door to the train station.

He wasn't willing admit it yet, but he was worried about their tallest player.

As much as he didn't like it, he was starting to care about the silver-haired boy, even though he got under Yaku's skin, Lev was also able to see what was upsetting Yaku, or if the light-haired male was upset at all, even if he was doing a good job of hiding it. Maybe it was that part of their relationship that got under Yaku's skin, the fact that Lev good read Yaku like a book. Maybe it scared him that Lev could see through him so easily.

The walk to the train station and the wait before he actually got on the train was a blur of faceless people and white noise, however, an announcement over the intercom of the train dragged Yaku out of his thoughts, letting him know that the train was approaching the station that he needed to get off at.

"What am I doing?" he wondered out loud to himself, tearing a hand through his hair as he walked.

When he got to Lev's address- something he wasn't sure how he knew or remembered- he doubted himself for a split second, then knocked on the door.

"Give me a moment," a female voice called, and Yaku stood there for a moment, waiting for the door to open.

When it finally did, Yaku was surprised to see the female version of Lev standing there, looking more than a little frazzled.

"Oh, Yaku, hi! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at practice?" the girl, who Yaku recognized as Alisa, Lev's older sister.

"I came to check on your dimwit brother. He wasn't at practice and the rest of the team was worried."

"Oh, he's not feeling the greatest, stomach ache, headache, the works. He doesn't have a temperature, so if you want to come in and see him, I guess that's okay," Alisa said, glancing over her shoulder into the house.

"Oh, that's okay, I just wanted to make sure that he wasn't skipping out on us for some dumb reason, I should probably get back anyway," Yaku said, starting to turn to leave but Alisa grabbed for his hand.

"Please, he needs to see a friendly face, and I have to get to work. It won't be for long I promise, our mom should be home in like, twenty minutes. Please, I don't want to leave him alone and I think he'll be honest with you about what's actually going on," Alisa pleaded, halfway dragging him into the house.

"Okay, I'll stay. Is he in his room?" Yaku asked, dropping his bag in a chair.

"Yeah, I don't think he's left since he got home," Alisa said, throwing her jacket on quickly. "Take good care of him while I'm gone okay?" she asked, running out the door before Yaku could actually respond.

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