Fairs and Dates (BokuAka)

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Akashi prided himself on his ability to read Bokuto like a book during a game. It was what made him such a good setter, but outside of the game, Bokuto was unpredictable and practically unreadable.

Outside the game, Bokuto could read Akashi, not only because he had time, but also because they knew each other.

Akashi, Bokuto was proud to say, was very easy for him to read.

"Akaaaaaaaashi!" Bokuto shouted, sprinting to spin the shorter boy around.

"Hello Bokuto-san," Akashi replied, patting his friend's shoulder lightly.

"Are you still coming over tonight?" Bokuto asked.

"Yes, I wouldn't miss it for the world," Akashi responded calmly, smiling a little when Bokuto finally set him down, trying to ignore the way he kind of liked the feeling.

"Yes! What d'you wanna do?"

"Do you want some help on your trig?"

"Hey!" Bokuto whined, his hair deflating a little bit, something that Akashi still couldn't wrap his head around. It went against the laws of physics, but things like that didn't seem to apply to most of the volleyball teams, everything and everyone considered.

"I'm teasing," Akashi assured him, giving him a small smile.

"You're so mean!" Bokuto hissed, pinching Akashi's side, making the shorter boy yelp, batting Bokuto's hand away.

"Stop that," Akashi chided, rubbing his side lightly, though it didn't really hurt.

"No, I like seeing you blush!" Bokuto declared, smiling widely at Akashi, who then blushed brighter than Satori's hair.

"Why Bokuto-san?" Akashi asked, hiding his face in his hands.

"You and I should go out sometime," Bokuto said in lieu of a response to Akashi's earlier question.

It took a moment for Akashi to wrap his mind around what Bokuto had just said.

"Like what?" he questioned, not entirely sure what he meant by the statement.

"Well, I hear there's gonna be a fair in a few days, we should go to that," Bokuto suggested, smiling at Akashi. "You can think of it as a date or not, totally up to you, 'Kaashi," Bokuto told him, smiling broadly.

Akashi frowned, then said, "I'll think about it."

They both knew that was a yes, but Akashi was nothing if not an analyzer.

"Yay! I'll pick you up after school?" Bokuto asked, eyebrows raised.

"Sure," Akashi mumbled, bumping his head against Bokuto's shoulder before heading to his own class.

Bokuto had said that Akashi could think of it as a date if he wanted to, and he wanted to, but that still didn't mean that Bokuto meant it.

He was easy to read in a game, but in real life he seemed like a closed book to Akashi, something he found more than a little irritating. Or maybe it was because Akashi couldn't read him that he found Bokuto so irritating.

Akashi thought about what Bokuto said for the rest of the day, and it made him more than a little distracted, though no one seemed to notice his absentmindedness much.

When the day finally ended, and when Akashi was finally able to see Bokuto again, he wondered, if Bokuto had actually wanted Akashi to go on a date with him, if that was something that would make them both happy.

"What's the matter Akashi?" Bokuto murmured, playfully shoving his friend's shoulder with his own.

"May I ask you something, Bokuto-san?"

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