Love is Stressful (YakuLev)

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"Lev, if you insult my height one more time, I'm going to shove your head so far down into that toilet that you drown there," Yaku threatened, having had enough of Lev's bullshit. They were the locker room after a match, and Lev was getting on Yaku's nerves more than usual.

There was something about Yaku's tone that made Lev stop, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

The team sensed that something was wrong, but all of them had enough common sense to know not to get in between the libero and the tallest member of their team.

All of them except a certain captain with a bad hair cut.

"So what's got your panties in a twist?" Kuroo asked Yaku on the bus ride home.

"Nothing, what makes you say that?" Yaku snapped, then frowned, having heard the tone in his voice. "I'm sorry, it's just that I've been feeling some weird heart fluttery stuff that's making me question some things," Yaku said, running a hand through his coppery hair.

"You're talking about Lev," Kuroo guessed, crossing his arms.

"Is it that obvious?" Yaku asked, a small blush staining his cheeks as he thought of the taller male that got on his nerves.

"To everyone except our tall friend," Kuroo said with a small nod, making Yaku groan in frustration. "He gets reactions out of you, reactions the rest of us couldn't get even if we tried. You act differently around him, almost like you're more yourself with him," Kuroo explained.

"Why did it have to be him though?" Yaku groaned, resisting the urge to slam his head off of the window next to him in frustration.

"The world works in mysterious ways," Kuroo muttered, his eyes flashing momentarily to a certain two toned haired setter that was gaming towards the front of the bus. "Just talk to him, your weird emo feelings phase is setting everyone on edge," Kuroo informed the smaller boy who sighed.

"I know, and I'm sorry, I just don't know how to deal with this. I don't even know if he's gay or not," Yaku cried, exasperated with the utter lack of knowledge of his tall team member.

"Trust me, he's just as gay for you as you are for him, it's just a matter of making it known to each other," Kuroo said, almost as exasperated with Yaku as Yaku was with Lev most of the time.

"You do realize that talking to him is like talking to a brick wall right?" Yaku asked, giving Kuroo his own look.

"Just talk to him, trust me, he'll listen."

Yaku sighed, glancing to where Lev was leaning against his head against the window, watching the scenery flash by through the glass.

He moved quickly when they stopped at a stop sign, taking the seat next to Lev, who glanced at him uncertainly before going back to looking out the window.

"I . . . I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier," Yaku said.

"It's okay, I took it too far with that last one," Lev said with a shake of his head.

"No, you didn't, I've just been stressed lately and I took it out on you, I'm sorry," Yaku said, glancing down at his lap, wondering what the hell he was doing.

"It's fine, really," Lev said, bumping shoulders with Yaku for a moment.

"You should be blaming me. Why aren't you?" Yaku asked, turning in the seat to see Lev's face better. His stupid face and his stupidly beautiful green eyes that saw more than they let on, and his stupid mouth which Yaku both hated and loved at the same time. Not to mention his stupid hair which flashed differently in different lights as the sun set. And his-

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