Bathrooms and Firsts (EnnoTana)

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"Ennoshita," Tanaka called, catching up to his future captain and present boyfriend.

"Tanaka? Everything okay?" Ennoshita asked, trying to read his boyfriend's tells.

"Yeah, but I missed you," he murmured, brushing their hands together.

Other than their teammates they hadn't told anyone about their relationship yet. They weren't hiding it but if someone didn't ask they didn't tell.

"I missed you too. After practice why don't you come to my place?" Ennoshita suggested.

"Good idea, Saeko is in town and I really don't want her meddling around with anything."

"I like your sister," Ennoshita stated, though it was more to get Tanaka to look at him again.

"Try living with her, you won't like her so much then," Tanaka grumbled with a roll of his eyes.

"Then we can walk to my place after practice," Ennoshita told him, turning into his classroom.

"Ennoshita, I-" Tanaka cut himself off, which made Ennoshita a little worried. Tanaka was always honest to a fault, it was one of the things that Ennoshita loved about him, but when he didn't say what was one his mind it made Ennoshita edgy, wondering what would come out of the wing-spiker's mouth when he finally said what he wanted to.

"You," Ennoshita prompted, trying to see if he could get his boyfriend to spill.

"I'll tell you later, it isn't important," Tanaka said, heading towards his own classroom.

Ennoshita frowned, but he sent his boyfriend a text before the bell rang

Find me at the boy's bathroom during lunch.

That was all he sent, so now he just had to wait until third period.


"What are you-?" Tanaka had just turned the corner to the boy's bathroom when Ennoshita pulled him into a stall and shoved him against the wall, their lips colliding messily, teeth knocking and noses bending at awkward angles.

When they finally got their rhythm together, much to Tanaka's surprise, they were kissing like it was the last time they would ever do it, which he was hoping wasn't the case.

He knew it wasn't when Ennoshita wrapped an arm around Tanaka's waist, pulling him closer, his hand splayed across Tanaka's hip, fingers digging into the skin, likely to leave marks later.

Tanaka slid a hand into Ennoshita's hair, wrapping his other arm around his lover's neck.

"Where did this come from?" Tanaka panted when they finally pulled back to breathe a little. His hand was still in Ennoshita's hair and that was were he planned on keeping it for as long as he could get away with.

"I missed you and I don't think this would be appropriate for the halls."

"Good point," he murmured when he decided he was able to string a somewhat coherent sentence together.

"What were you going to say before class?" Ennoshita asked, soothing the skin on Tanaka's hip where he had dug in.

"It wasn't important."

"It's bothering you, of course it's important."

"I just-" The wing-spiker stopped again, biting his bottom lip, something he never did unless he was really uneasy.

"Talk to me, I can't help unless you tell me what's wrong," Ennoshita told Tanaka, who nodded.

"I know that, but I need to say is . . . complicated."

"When has that ever stopped you?" Ennoshita inquired, making his boyfriend chuckle.

"I just . . . I love you," he murmured, laying his forehead against Ennoshita's, not looking his lover in the eyes.

"That's what's been bothering you? I was worried it was something big like you wanted to break up or something," Ennoshita breathed, a huge smile taking over the concerned frown that had been lining them before. "You shouldn't have worried, I love you too."

"I know, but this is a big deal! Some people never say this! And then others say it too soon and I didn't want to be one of those people and scare you off and-"

"Baby, breathe, you couldn't scare me off even if you tried," Ennoshita soothed him, drawing small patterns on Tanaka's hip that made sense only to the one drawing them.


"Really," Ennoshita promised, kissing Tanaka again, more slowly this time, though it said the same thing as the hungry ones that they had shared when they had first arrived in the bathroom.

"Now I really love you," Tanaka teased.

Ennoshita smiled.

Their first 'I love you' hadn't been all that romantic, but it was them, it was who they were, and it was perfect either way. They didn't need any candles or fancy restaurants or any of that, they just needed to feel comfortable around each other.

(Hey, so I know this is really short, it's just shy of 800 words, but it's cute and fluffy, I think, and I hadn't done anything for this ship in a while so I figured what the hell? Anyway, I'm still in school and drowning in homework, so I might disappear for a few days. Still, feel free to comment or message me privately, I will respond as soon as I can, I love hearing from you all and I love helping anyway I can, so hit me up or whatever and stay safe out there. It'll end at some point my lovelies, just hang in there until then.)

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