Exams and Dates (EnnoTana)

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"Tanaka, keep your clothes on!" Ennoshita yelled, giving Tanaka's team another point. The second year wing-spiker had ripped his shirt off as he scored a point unmarked.

"Yeah, no one wants to see that," Suga snapped.

I mean, I want to see that, but they don't need to know that, Ennoshita thought to himself, wondering if he would ever have the courage to tell Tanaka how he actually felt about the wing-spiker.

He doubted he would, he was a coward like that, but it was the fact that he wanted to that mattered he supposed.

"Ennoshita, they scored another point," Suga said, making Ennoshita snap out of his thoughts quickly.

"Ah, sorry!" he said, flipping the score again.

"What's been going on with you lately? It's like you're lost in thought all the time now," Suga said, turning the score for the other team.

"It's nothing, I've just had a lot on my mind lately, exams and stuff, you know, the usual,"Ennoshita said.

"Oh, that's right, we have exams coming up, and another training camp," Suga said, loud enough that the entire team heard it, and Tanaka and Noya paled, trying to sneak out of the gym.

"Ennoshita, go get them," Daichi called, and both boys started to sprint.

"Oh no ya don't," Ennoshita called, launching himself at them, pinning them to the floor like Americans did with their football.

All three boys grunted as they hit the floor, though none of them were hurt much, though Noya and Tanaka might've had a few bruises.

"Thanks Ennoshita," Suga called.

"No problem. C'mon guys, exams aren't that bad, we already went through this once, let's not do it again," Ennoshita told Tanaka and Noya, who looked like they were ready to start singing their prayers like they had last time.

Tanaka sighed then said, "Can you get off us? You and Noya are heavy."

"Ah, sorry," Ennoshita said, helping Noya and Tanaka up off the floor, trying not to let his blush take over his features.


"Hey, Ennoshita, wanna walk to the bus stop together?" Tanaka asked.

"Where's Noya and the other second years?" Ennoshita asked, noticing that it was exceedingly quiet without the shorter male and the other second years joking around and yelling after practice.

"Noya and Asahi have a date, and the other second years were on their way to a party or something that some kids from another school invited them to," Tanaka explained, jogging to catch up with the taller spiker.

"Ah, that explains everything," he muttered, running a hand through his hair.

"Anyway, you never answered my question," Tanaka said.

"Huh? Oh, sure," Ennoshita murmured, trying not to blush.

"Will you help me study again?" Tanaka asked as they walked.

"Sure, as long as you pay attention this time," Ennoshita muttered.

"I promise, I want to pass, my sister's driving is a death wish waiting to happen!" Tanaka cried, making Ennoshita smile.

"I know, I saw her drop off Kageyama and Hinata, I never want to go through that, and I certainly wouldn't force that on my worst enemy," Ennoshita admitted, making Tanaka smile.

"Great, are you doing anything tonight?" Tanaka asked.


"Then can you help me tonight?" Tanaka asked, making Ennoshita pause.

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