Jealousy and Dance Parties (Tsukiyama)

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"What's wrong with you Tsukki? You've been acting really weird lately, and I have to say, it's starting to freak me out," Yamaguchi muttered, grabbing Tsukishima's hand. He'd been lying on the couch when Tsukishima had strolled in, placing a fierce, passionate kiss on Yamaguchi's lips before, laying down on him, like he was trying (and succeeding) at pinning the smaller boy in place.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just . . . I hate seeing you with Hinata," Tsukishima admitted, nuzzling into Yamaguchi's neck, peppering kisses there.

"Are . . . are you jealous? Of Hinata?" Yamaguchi asked, trying not to laugh as he carded his fingers through Tsukishima's blonde locks. He loved the idea of Tsukishima being jealous, but Hinata and Yamaguchi were strictly friends, the small, bubbly redhead clearly had a thing for their taller setter.

"Of course not, but . . . ." Tsukishima trailed off, making Yamaguchi smile, a soft, fond smile that he only gave Tsukishima. One that the others had never seen, and probably never would see.

"Let me up for a minute," Yamaguchi said, kissing Tsukishima's cheeks before he moved, letting the smaller boy up.

He walked over to the radio, pressing play.

He'd been listening to some of their older CD's, adding the songs to a playlist on his phone.

Tsukishima's favorite song played softly through the speakers, and Yamaguchi reached for Tsukishima's hand, dragging the taller boy off the couch with some effort.

"Dance with me," he coaxed, swaying along with the music.

"This is . . . ." Tsukishima trailed off as he tried to find a nicer word than 'stupid'.

"Come on, it'll be fun," Yamaguchi muttered, giving Tsukishima puppy-dog eyes that he knew the taller boy couldn't resist.

"Fine, but only for you," Tsukishima grumbled, swaying his hips lightly along to the music.

"There you go," Yamaguchi encouraged, starting to do some stupid dance that made Tsukishima laugh.

Pretty soon both boys were laughing and dancing like lunatics, and Yamaguchi was suddenly happy that they were alone in the house.

Yamaguchi mimicked having a microphone and pointed to Tsukishima as they dance around each other, making the other laugh.

These were the times that Yamaguchi loved the most, seeing Tsukishima revert to the smiling, happy child he had once been, the person that he had buried deep within himself as he got older. Yamaguchi was even happier to be the one to bring that person back out, that Tsukishima trusted him enough to let that person out when he was around.

Tsukishima spun Yamaguchi around, making him giggle as he wrapped his arms around Tsukishima's neck until the dizziness died down.

By this point they were both panting and sweaty, but they were smiling and happy and so indescribably, in love with each other that it was obvious to anyone that would've seen them that day.

"Still jealous of Hinata, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," the blond admitted, wrapping his arms securely around Yamaguchi's waist as they swayed together with the music, smiling at each other.

"Tsukki, can I ask you something?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Hmm?" the blond hummed, laying his forehead against Tadashi's.

"Do you like me calling you Tsukki? Do you mind it?" Tadashi asked. He'd never been told otherwise, and he'd been doing it for years, but Tadashi was starting to worry about it now that they'd been dating for a little over four months.

"If I didn't like it, I would've told you so. But, I would like it better if you started using my first name," Tsukishima admitted, giving Tadashi his own fond look.

"R-Really?" Tadashi asked, his face lighting up at the prospect.

"Yeah, if you want to," the taller boy murmured, peppering kisses to Tadashi's face, kissing everyone of the freckles that the smaller boy had always been made fun of for having, almost like he was trying to kiss away the smaller boy's insecurities.

"Even at school?" Tadashi asked, pulling away just enough to look at Tsukishima's face.

"Especially at school," Tsukishima said, a cunning smirk playing over his features.

"Kei," Tadashi tried, and the blond smiled, pleased with the way his name rolled off his lover's tongue. "Kei, Kei, Kei, Kei Kei!" Tadashi giggled, making Tsukishima smile.

Tadashi reminded him of the seagulls from Finding Nemo, and he found it adorable.

"I'll never get tired of hearing you say that," he murmured, pulling Tadashi closer, if it were at all possible.

"Maybe I'll have to say it more often then," Tadashi teased.

"Please do," Kei muttered, kissing Tadashi fiercely, something that made them both smile, so it was more like pushing their faces together than anything, and it was just . . . them. It was them and that was all that mattered.

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