Familial Chaos (IwaOi)

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"Hey Iwa-chan, can I ask you something?" Oikawa asked his friend as they wandered down the street after practice.

"You can ask, doesn't mean I'll answer."

"Rude Iwa-chan," Oikawa muttered, bumping shoulders with his friend.

"Just ask the question!" Iwaizumi grumbled, tearing a hand through his hair.

He hadn't been sleeping, he'd been up late studying, trying to get ahead in his homework. But between practicing and studying, there was really no more room for sleep. He was tired, and when he was tired, he was cranky.

He was pretty much a university student already, he mused to himself. He was some form of permanently exhausted pigeon that was running on coffee and ramen. But he had been doing that since his first year in high school, so there was really no difference.

"You're going to call me every day when we get to university right? Tell me what's going on in your life?"

"Why would I have to call you? We are going to be living together right?" Iwaizumi asked, giving his setter a confused look. "We've had that plan since middle school."

"Don't you want to live in the dorms? Isn't that a big part of the uni experience?" Oikawa asked, stopping to look at Iwaizumi.

"No, I don't want to be sleeping in the same room as a stranger that might of some weird fetish. And besides, I can't leave you alone, someone else is going to kick your ass, and we both know that I'm the only one that can threaten you."

"Wow, so sentimental Iwa-chan," Oikawa grumbled, flashing his spiker an irritated look.

"Do you want me to headbutt you in the face? I will do it," Iwaizumi threatened, even though he knew that he would never do it, not now. He'd started to notice a change in his feelings towards the over zealous setter, but he hadn't made a move on those feelings.

"So mean Iwa-chan," Oikawa pouted, making Iwaizumi pause for a moment to check his self restraint.

"Whatever, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi grumbled, turning his head away so that Oikawa didn't see him blush.

"You're coming over tonight right?" Oikawa asked, his hand brushing over Iwaizumi's for a moment, making his entire hand feel overheated.

"Yeah," Iwaizumi answered.

"Good, because my nephew is coming over and I want him to meet you," Oikawa said.

"Cool, whatever, but you know that I'm not really good with kids," Iwaizumi replied, pulling Oikawa out of the way as a jogger passed them, nearly colliding with the distracted setter, who was somewhere deep inside his head. "Hey, Shittykawa, where are you? Pay attention you numbskull!" Iwaizumi snapped, more concerned than anything else.

"Sorry, I'm right here with you," Oikawa said, making Iwaizumi smirk.

"Then pay attention, we don't need our best setter getting a concussion because he wasn't paying attention."

"Are you worried about me, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asked, flashing his friend a look.

"Of course I am dumbass, I am your friend aren't I?" Iwaizumi said, assuming that he wasn't going to hint his friend into his feelings by saying it.

"You're my best friend Iwa-chan, never forget that," Oikawa said.

"Whatever, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi said, though even to himself, his voice was fond.

(Time Skip)

"Bye Takeru!" Oikawa called, waving as his nephew walked towards the car that was waiting for him.

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