Lazy Days and a Lover's Weekend (DaiSuga)

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(These are Author Notes, in case you hadn't figured that out yet. Anyway, this is basically all fluff, so be prepared to go to the dentist because it's tooth-rotting fluff.)

"Daichi, you need to talk to the kids about waking us up in the middle of the night for stupid reasons," Suga muttered, rolling over to rouse his sleeping boyfriend, who had groaned in response.

Suga had gotten a phone call, but he didn't really remember most of what was said, only that his sleep addled brain had realized that it wasn't worth his time.

"What did Hinata and Kageyama do this time?" Daichi asked, wrapping his arm around Suga's waist to pull the smaller boy closer to himself.

"I think it might've been Tanaka and Noya actually," Suga admitted, burying his face in his lovers neck, breathing in the calming scent.

"What did those numbskulls want?" Daichi growled, closing his eyes. It was too early in the morning to deal with their shit.

"I hung up on them as soon as I realized it was something dumb," Suga murmured, listening to Daichi's heartbeat.

"That's my boy," Daichi murmured, kissing Suga's forehead.

"Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they need to realize that we're old men compared to them and that we need out sleep," Suga muttered.

"We don't seem to be getting much sleep tonight," Daichi muttered, though Suga could hear the laughter in his voice.

"Don't start that," Suga warned, pressing a kiss to the hickey he'd left on Daichi's shoulder earlier.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Daichi retorted, running his hands over Suga's back lightly, calmingly.

Suga hummed, melting against his lover's chest. They were both riddled with hickey's and bite marks, evidence of the sex they'd had earlier.

"We can lecture them when we get to school tomorrow, for right now, I just want to sleep," Daichi decided, making Suga nod and hum his agreement as they drifted off together, curled around each other like a spider plant clung to a wall.


"Fuck, we're gonna be late!" Suga cried, struggling to jump into his pants, which had been flung across the room late last night.

"No, we aren't, it's Saturday," Daichi murmured, rubbing his eyes lightly as he tried to calm his silver haired lover down.

"Oh yeah, it is," he muttered. "Well, since I'm up, guess I'll make breakfast."

Daichi's parents were on vacation for the weekend, so they were leaving Daichi in charge of the house. Daichi had taken the opportunity to invite his boyfriend over for a vacation of their own.

Daichi muttered, rolling over to stay in bed just a little longer.

Suga smiled fondly at him, slipping one of Daichi's shirts on so he could slip down to the kitchen.

Suga searched the kitchen for something to make for breakfast, humming slightly as he made his way through the kitchen, gathering up ingredients and mixing bowls.

Daichi had slipped down into the kitchen to watch Suga work, deciding that between sleep and watching his lover, he was going to choose watching his lover.

"Have you thought about doing this in our own house?" Daichi asked Suga who nearly dropped the pancake mix.

"What are you going on about?" Suga asked, turning to his lover with a confused look on his face.

"Have you thought about us doing this in our own house? As adults," Daichi repeated, watching his boyfriend's face.

"What brought this on?" Suga asked, pouring pancake mix into the pan he'd set on the stove.

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