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A violent blush crept up Kermit's neck and lit up his face like an ornament. He had no clue what to say- how does one respond to that?! He didn't make a sound, hoping and praying it was a joke and that maybe this was all a dream. Mickey leaned in, his bad-boy aesthetic making Kermit's toes curl . His face was so red it might as well have been lighting up the whole shop.

Mickey leaned in closer still, putting his mouth right beside Kermit's ear and whispering- "You know, I'd like you to visit me in my apartment to drink some water."

He felt Mickey's smile curl against his ear. He handed Kermit a phone number and an address on a shabby looking paper scrap adorned with suspicious white stains. Kermit was lost in the tingly sensation he had been left with, hardly registering that his next train was just about to arrive. He audibly yelped and scurried out of the liquor store in a frenzied rush. Sinfully, Kermit stuffed the drab paper in his coat pocket, noting in his head that he had just been hit on. It echoed in his mind over and over, how after all these years of mocking he may have found someone like him. Over and over, again and again. The train paused at his stop, and Kermit hurriedly pulled himself and his briefcase out onto the platform and just a block away from his building.

As he stepping into his office, a deep angry voice hailed him with insult-"Kermit, you stupid frog! You didn't turn in any reports! I better have three by tonight or you're fired, generously! To think I gave a week to do these! Absolutely pathetic!"

The room went silent. He needed 3 reports by tonight! He had always had a hidden passion for the stage, hidden in a clandestine corner reserved for only the most impossible of dreams. Every time he thought just maybe, maybe, he could do it, he ended up talking himself out of it. Kermit didn't want to waste possible income- what if he were to fail, and end up homeless on the street, begging and maybe even selling his ferby collection just to support himself? Or, if perhaps he didn't succeed, no one would ever want to be with disgusting little Kermit if not for his money!

His cruel boss stood, his face a portrait of genuine and unsolicited fury.

"Now get to work."

Kermit sighed and went to his cubicle. He worked hard on the extra work he was given for no particular reason, as his bosses had never given him a reason to like them. He thought of his boss as heartless, what with expecting his undivided labor and on the week of his mother's death no less.

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