Kermit the Kpop stan

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The feeling of Mickey's lips on Kermit's felt right to him. Kermit liked this boy toy of his. Having Mickey there to make bad choices with and to use for pleasure helped him ignore his mental issues. Kermit's thoughts became devious, his mind filling with thoughts of all the things you could do with this mouse. In one small little nook in this head, nonsexual thoughts crossed his mind. Cuddling, baking cookies, restarting the Soviet Union. He wanted to hug him, tell jokes, go to weddings and make everyone see that he wasn't just a lonely little queer frog. 

Despite the small amount of time they had shared, everything just felt right. They were a simple cartoon mouse and puppet frog, but their hearts and minds had so many secrets, so many scars they might be willing to open up about, but only with each other. Kermit wanted to know what Mickey liked. His favorite food, dildo color preference, his favorite animal, his favorite song, his favorite show.  

Kermit took his lips off of Mickey's, looking him in the eyes. MIckey was confused, he never understood what Kermit was doing, all he knew is that he was in for the ride. 

"Hey, Mickey.?


"What's your favorite song?"

"True love, the Nyan~ Neko sugar girl opening song..." Mickey replied as if it were a bad thing to have a good taste in music. 

"Ah, don't be so embarrassed, my favorite song is Megalovania, by my favorite band, Foppish Bones. They sing.. they sing Kpop songs.."

Mickey tried to hold in a laugh as Kermit felt sorta ashamed. Mickey, seeing Kermit look so flustered, took it as an opportunity to possibly seduce the sad little frog. 

"So, why do you like that band so much?" Mickey sat me next to Kermit instead of across from him, debating whether or not to put an arm around him. 

"I don't know why I wanna tell you this, but, when I was little I was pretty lonely. For a frog like me, I had no chance at dating or anything like that. Plus, none of the boys my age were anything special, but Sans Undertale was. He seemed so nice, dressed so casually. His voice, his bone structure, everything about him made me... well.. made me swoon every time he came on T.V. He was ideal boyfriend material, and I still think he's hot."

Mickey couldn't form a response to that. It basically demolished his pervy intentions. Hearing Kermit's story reminded him of himself, in some small way. "Ha, did the kids laugh at you a lot?"

"Yeah, a lot a lot."

"I was always on the opposite side of that. I always saw a gay kid and well, I got jealous. Jealous that they could be honest about their feeling for the same gender, and I- I couldn't. So instead of coming to grips with the fact that I liked men, I teased the kids that could. I got drunk with the kids that also tormented the homosexuals. I started going to parties with those kids, throwing away my life with them. Now I'm just a 20 something with nothing better to do than hook up with strangers and day drink, but hey, at least I'm honest with myself about liking naked men."

"Were gonna fix that about you."

"My homphobic actions? My gay thoughts?"

"Yeah! Wait no.. well, yeah that too, the gay thoughts can stay, nothing wrong with those. I was talking about your drinking."

"Are you my mom or something? You have no power over me."

"Don't you wanna be better? I mean, c'mon. Lets be better, futher oursevles. Lets do everything we can to improve! By eachother sides..." Kermit blushed, which made Mickey blush. 

"Alright, where to first?"

"Huh? We're going somewhere?"

"You can't expect me to stay sober in a place like this, this apartment is a real bummer."

"Alright! Where to?"

"Thats what I was asking you!"

"Umm... I don't know. Maybe somewhere to eat? I'm kinda hungry." 

"I'm broke."

"I'm now unemployed."

"Me too!"

"Well, might as well wonder this town."

"Fine by me."

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