the true beginning

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Mickey ordered a pizza as Kermit scrolled through the bombard of messages he was recieving from his mother, responding to her paragraphs with single 2-4 letter words.

Mickey finished his order and turned to Kermit. "What was that?"

"My mother, shes having a hard time right now."

"Is she gonna try to find you? Can't phones track you?"

"Ah! Shit, you're right! Should I throw it away?"

"Maybe throw it in a river? Or you could also leave me alone here." Mickey tried not to look at the bottle of vodka behind Kermit.

"C'mon! Take me to the closet river here! I'm not familiar with this area."

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me.."

"Nope! I'm dead serious! As soon as we eat you're taking me a river!" Kermit was stern, he would not waver. Mickey started looking sicker by the minute, sweating profusely. It'd been a long time since he'd gone without alcohol for this many hours and he didn't know if he could handle it. His body had grown to need the cheap vodka, and he was feeling it.

Mickey's head pounded, it was like his body got ten times heavier. He felt an incredible sickness, like whatever he had eaten prior was about to come up.

"Don't act all sick now that I asked you to do something you don't want to do! Stop shaking like that! F- Faker..!" Kermit wasn't entire convinced it was fake-which it was not-but this did come at an inconvenient time for Mickey.

It was at that moment Mickey nearly fell on the ground, looking incredibly unwell. Kermit never dealt with something like this before, "should I call the hospital?!"

"Up to you..."

"Wait, did I get your name? I think I need that."

"Mickey, Mickey S. Mouse."

Kermit called 911, as he remembered a time his mother, the late Princess Peach, had to do this for her drunken ex boyfriend named Mario. He remembered listening to her panicked voice on the phone worried about a message he had sent her about how he 'wasn't having an easy time coming down off such heavy liquor'.

Mario was sober now, from what Kermit knew, but this wasn't about some Italian plumber, this was about a sexy cartoon mouse. Kermit remembered that incident being a lot worse, so he opted to just drive Mickey there himself. Kermit didn't have a license, but he did own a car as a gift he got from his mother Wendy and he knew how to drive it. "Mickey, do you have a car? This doesn't feel like an ambulance type situation, maybe I could drive you?"

"Y- yeah.. these apartments have a small parking lot out back for people to park their cars, I'm fine though! Can't we hold off? Just give me some liquor, you win."

"I'll let you drink, on one condition! You slowly ease off of it! I won't leave until you get better!"

"Stop playing doctor, you said it yourself, you're just an office worker. I'll play by your rules though, I don't want to stay like this forever.."

Kermit sighed and handed Mickey the bottle, an uneasy feeling in his gut. "Kermit. My name is Kermit Frog." Mickey shook Kermit's sweaty palm.

"You're ballsy for a dumb office worker. I might like having you around."

"I might not hate being here after a while." Kermit grinned at Mickey, knowing this was just the beginning.

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