Pizza joint

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Kermit and Mickey walked along the sidewalk of the big bustling city they both called home. They stood close, but not too close. After all, they were just friends. If they stood too close people might think they were gay or something.

"Where did you have in mind Mickey? I really don't like walking around at this hour, so many people..."

Mickey gripped Kermit's arm, pulling him more to his side. "Scared of getting lost?"

"Ha! That's just the beginning of it. Scared of being kidnapped, murdered, scared of what people think when they see me. Scared if, by bumping into someone, I make them drop something, or maybe bumping into them will make them hate me, which I mean, why wouldn't they hate me I did get in their way-"

"Look there! Small pizza place!" Mickey said, understanding that situations like this would be stressful for any stereotypical gay twink.

"Is it any good?"

"No idea! Wanna try?"

"Um.. uh, sure..!" Kermit was blushing like an idiot, smiling softly.

Mickey pulled Kermit toward the shop and entered. Kermit took a sigh of relief now that he was finally out of the crowd, but his heart stopped when he saw a familiar face running the restaurant.

"Itsa' me! Mario!"

"Mario! I haven't seen you since I was little!"

"Heya there fag frog! Howsa ur mather!"

"Uh- Um... Well... She uh..." Kermit got all shakey, he didn't know how to say it. Mario didn't know Peach was gone. Peach and Mario were close, but Mario was a shady guy and Peach was the perfect woman. Mario was a sad plumber who had a lot of issues. Peach was a wife, a mother, and a literal princess.

"Kermit? Something the matter?" Mickey put a hand on Kermit's should and Kermit started crying. "Woah.. okay- um.. take a breath."

"Why am I crying right now! Sorry I didn't mean-"

Mickey hugged Kermit, Kermit's head going over Mickey's shoulder. Mickey hadn't hugged anyone since he was about 12, and it felt nice getting so psychically close. Kermit froze up like a plank for a second, before he started bawling so hard that his eyes were sore.

Mario's head filled with dread, all he could think was, "Isa Princess Peach alright?"

"Kermit we should go into a bathroom-"

In between his sobs, he managed to say, "....yeah..." and Mickey walked inside the bathroom with Kermit. The moment they walked in they saw Jeffery Star giving Deku from My Hero Academia sloppy so Mickey and Kermit both ran into a stall, the same stall.

Kermit looked at how close the stall forced them together. He started wiping his tear-soaked cheeks, it was quiet for a while, so Mickey awkwardly broke the silence.  "Kermit..? Did something happen?"

Kermit looked down at the ground, reluctant to say anything. "She's gone. My mom, Princess Peach." Kermit was forcing back tears.

"...Yeah. I know how it feels."

Kermit looked back at Mickey, bitting down on his lip in an attempt to mask his emotions and prevent him from breaking down like Kermit. "Huh?" Kermit muttered to himself.

"My dad was my world, he was busy a lot. My mom was never home, she was too busy beating the shit out of people she found out were subscribed to troom troom, mostly little kids. She's been in jail for some time now..."

Kermit put a hand on Mickey's shoulder.

"My dad, well, he was a good man. At least, a good father. He wasn't so good to my mom, and well, he used his secretary to fill a void inside of himself that my mother just wasn't enough for. Nothing was ever truly enough for that void. The petty sex, the alcohol, his model train club. He was there for me the best he could though. One day I came home and... both he and his secretary, well... cops said it was a homicide. Probably a robber who didn't expect anyone to be home."

Kermit hugged Mickey, they both fell silent. Mickey looked into Kermit's eyes, and so they kissed. They kissed so hard that they needed to gasp for air. Kermit was shoved against the poorly constructed and wobbly stall wall, his hands being held in place by Mickey in a sort of violently passionate kiss.

Mickey's hands traced down to Kermit's belt, "Here? Now?" Kermit muttered, fighting everything his body wanted.

"Why am I so horny in here with you? Fuck, I just told you about my dead dad and now I'm unzipping your pants." Mickey unzipped Kermit's pants.

"...Food first..?" Kermit was too chicken shit to fuck in public.

Mickey sighed, "Fine, whatever you want."

Mickey exited the bathroom and Kermit sat in the stall alone, cleaning himself up. Kermit had a million thoughts going through his head. He muttered, what the hell is wrong with me..?"

Kermit ordered a random pizza since Mickey said he didn't care. Both sat eating, not talking. They both had a lot on their mind. 

Micky x KermitМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя