Mickey's mess

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Kermit's body went limp, laying on the floor of a messy apartment along side Mickey. He and Mickey had just had an experience together. Kermit laid there, stiff as a board as Mickey got up to piss.

Kermit looked at his surrounding, noticing safety hazards everywhere. Broken glass shards, puddles of unknown origin, and just general tripping hazards. Kermit sighed to himself, grabbing a garbage bag to start cleaning this mess. Kermit wiped cum off himself and started to get dressed, feeling like a whore.

Kermit started cleaning the garbage in the apartment, hating to see someone live in such clutter. Mickey exited the bathroom, surprised to see Kermit was still there. "Are you.. cleaning..?" Kermit remained silent, not knowing what to say. "You can leave if you want, that's how it normally goes.."

"You must be lonely." Kermit softly said, looking at Mickey's poor living conditions. Everything got really quiet after that, Kermit cleaned Mickey's apartment as Mickey watched, confused by the little frog in front of him. After a few minutes, Kermit spoke back up. "There are a lot of bottles here, and the one I saw you buy this morning has already been mostly drank. You're not drinking yourself to death here, right?"

Kermit's voice was shakey, afraid to hear the answer. It didn't matter if this was basically a stranger, he was still concerned. "I'm not drinking myself to death. It's also none of your business."

"Prove it!" Kermit spoke before thinking, the words slipping out.

"Prove it?! How the hell am I supposed to prove it?!"

"Um... uh.. well, let- let me stay here for 3 days and I'll see about that!" Kermit didn't want to turn down now, he was determined to make sure he wasn't leaving someone to die.

"Fine! I'll keep the alcohol wit
h you too! So you can monitor it like you're my mom!" Mickey couldn't back down from a battle, he needed to prove his masculinity at any cost, which meant not turning down a challenge.

"Alright, deal."


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