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Quick note before I begin:
I'm writing this story on my own now without my friend (the one I wrote in as the description as being the editor) but there will still be credit in the description. She was involved in editing/cowriting the original version of this and I will leave that credit on the description for this. Also, I'm clarifying that this fanfic was made as an inside joke between me and like 2 other people (one of them being the old editor) so it will continue to be kind of a critique on how LGBTQ+ fanfiction is written (usually the man x man stuff written by straight women). Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this as much I enjoy writing it!

Kermit cleaned, keeping a close eye on Mickey. He knew he had made a unique challenge for himself, one he had to win. He enjoyed the idea of such a challenge. He was determined to win and beat that stupid mouse that made his heart beat out of his chest. For making him act out and do something so stupid.

His Job was basically gone at this point. Even though he knew it was his own fault, he didn't want to disappoint himself. That is why he had to repeat in his head that this was Mickey's fault. I mean, Kermit didn't want to spend three days with a total stranger! Kermit kept his composure, humming Megalovania to himself. Mickey quickly took note.

Mickey started to break out in a cold sweat from the beat. He couldn't place his finger on where he had heard that song before but he knew he didn't like it. His head felt dizzy, his brain forcing him not to think of the night his father was brutally murdered.

"What song is that?" Mickey softly mumbled, but Kermit could still understand.

"Megalovania, it's a song by the popular Kpop idol, Sans Undertale."

"Sans... undertale...?"

"Yeah! He's my hero! I want to live my life like him! I wish puns came naturally to me like that, but I'm just your typical office worker who plans to slave away to 'The Man' for the rest of his life."


"Everything Alright, sir?"

"Its 12:00pm on a Tuesday, do you not work on Tuesdays?"

"I kinda quit today.."

"Good, you shouldn't have to be a slave to some guy who probably cheats on his wife with classy hookers."

"You shouldn't use the word hooker, I grew up with two feminist mothers who taught me-"

"Just shut up and clean."

"Yes sir!"

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