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Kermit knocked on his mother's door, he was filled with anxiety and dread. He took a sharp, shaky breath and waited. This was the most he ever disrespected this mother. He was momma's boy and proud of it. He hated the people who disobeyed. He hated it so much, and yet, Mickey was somehow an exception. Round ears, gentle yet demonically huge eyes, big burly manly abs. No fear of consequence, just good times. Kermit wanted good times. Kermit wanted freedom. 

Kermit had already gotten a taste, and as the time passed he found his thoughts became more and more infatuated with Mickey. His scent, his collar bones, his high-pitched voice. Kermit was on the edge with only two choices- go back to his safe life, or feel what it's truly like to be alive. His entire life, Kermit was always just listening. Just taking everything. 

The door opened

Wendy stood at the door, looking awful. Wendy kept her appearance up no matter what. Her hair was always done. Her clothes were always ironed. She was always done up. She liked feeling pretty. Here she stood though, food on her wrinkled t-shirt, her unbrushed and knotted hair, eye bags so dark one could think that she had never had a single wink of sleep her whole life. 

Her eyes widened when she saw Kermit, it was like she wanted to say something. No words could come out, no words could articulate everything she wanted to say to him. Her son, a good kid, off doing stupid things. Her son stood before her, shocked at how his mother was carrying herself. 

"Mom..?" Kermit had never seen his mother so low. So deep into her own despair. Looking white as a sheet. She was so tired she had to cling to the door frame. Kermit didn't even have to think, he immediately hugged her. He had disobeyed her. He had forgotten that his mother had feelings, Behind her workaholic nature and careful facade, she was still a person. She wasn't immune to emotion, she just had barriers up. Barriers that prevented her from ever truly expressing herself to her son. 

In this moment, it all came down. There she stood with her son, in a moment of solidarity that could only be caused by such grief. A moment where Kermit and his mother finally had something in common, their love for Peach. Their pain from her passing. 

"May I... come in?" Kermit said in a shakey tone. Wendy just nodded. 

They sat in her living room in complete silence. A peaceful silence that came about from understanding. They were both hurting, and both too prideful to normally show that. Both of their walls were down, and neither of them even needed to talk. Just being in proximity of one another was enough. 

"be careful Kermit..."


"The world is cruel, love will tear you apart. I know I haven't been the best parent to you. I tried but... well... Peach was always better at that than me. I'm sorry. Please, just be careful. Don't be scared of love though. Just take things slowly. They'll work out fine if you let them." 

"... That's... thank you..."

"I want to support you, from here on. I don't want you to have to be alone in this world. I want you to know you have me. I want to be better for you. I've actually thought a lot about this. I want you to discover this beautiful mess of a world on your own. Just be safe. Life will hurt, nothing is truly forever. Everything fades. Don't be afraid, love breeds anxiety and fear. You just have to look past all the what-ifs. " Wendy took a deep breath. 

"I've been scared of losing you. Every day you grow more and more and... I'm scared you're gonna get hurt. That you might never recover. Seeing you as an adult and not a child... shouldn't be as hard as it is. I love you, you're my son. I'm just scared you're gonna screw up and I won't be able to save you... but that's life..! Life is meant to be lived. Don't be scared to live. Everyone is scared to live, but actually living is the best part of being alive! So... I'll back off of your life. If you need me, I'll be here. For as long as I can."

Kermit stood there shocked. He never expected his mother to ever say anything like that. He smiled back at her. "Love you too mom." 

"Also, slow down! Don't make a habit of having too much meaningless sex, that's how you get diseases!"

"Yes mother, I understand." 

Kermit chuckled, which caused Wendy to laugh as well. they knew they had each other. Even when the world would tear them down, they would have each other. All they could do was laugh with each other and bare through the pain because the world would keep turning whether they liked it or not, all they could do was be there for the other person. 

Micky x KermitTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang