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In what seemed like a different universe, a man by the name of Kermit was experiencing his own trauma. Kermit was heavily bullied as a kid for being gay,something he swore he couldn't control. If he was allowed to be normal, oh would he prefer that. Many people would laugh and ask him out as dares. There were many things both he and Mickey shared. They both were raging homosexuals, and they both stared at the ceiling well into the night, unable to sleep. They often asked themselves the same question, "Am I going to die alone?"

It was 6 AM when Kermit half heartedly chased the train for work. He had ran, yet he had just missed it. Just his luck, rain started hammering down onto the platform area without warning. Kermit, deflated, sat and waited for the next train for a while before the rain started falling as snow, and then hail. He needed to take shelter. The closest shelter was a nearby liquor shop.

Kermit entered, sighing pathetically. Mickey was there searching for good booze when the green frog caught his eye. He approached the stranger, "Are you lost?" Mickey asked, angling his head down to look at Kermit, who was starting to break a sweat. He had never even attempted drinking, let alone enter a liquor store. "I- I'm sorry! It's just hailing hard outside- and, well-" Mickey stopped Kermit from saying anymore. "You don't belong here, huh? The water must have turned you gay, little frog." Kermit had gotten used to bullying so, as anyone would, he expected an insult to be the next words out of Mickey's mouth, but instead, Mickey leaned in and whispered words that tickled both his ear and his virgin soul,

"I don't mind the water turning the frogs gay."

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