Heavy sobs

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Mickey starting craving liquor more and more as the hours past, his head hurt and every part of his body was screaming at him to take a sip, just one. Kermit kept a close eye on Mickey, like a store clerk when you have dyed hair and clear daddy issues.

"H- hey, aren't your mommy's gonna worry about you..?" Mickey was sweating and shaking as he spoke, in desperate need of a drink.

"Mom. Just mom."

"Didn't you say you have mothers? Two feminist mothers?"

"I had two feminists mothers, now I just have one.." Kermit was shaking, almost on the verge of tears

"What happened?" Kermit started crying midway of Mickey saying that. Mickey put a hand Kermit's back as Kermit ugly sobbed. Mickey stayed quiet, not knowing what to do. Kermit had shriveled in on himself and couldn't stop the tears from flowing down his cheeks.

Mickey put his arm around the emotional frog, as Kermit leaned into Mickey a bit. Kermit cried into Mickey's chest as Mickey awkwardly stood there. "My mom... about 3 days ago... She's gone." Kermit muttered the words out behind heavy sobs. Mickey quickly understood that he and Kermit had gone through something similar, losing a parent.

Mickey spoke up, "when I was little, my father died. I was coming home from school when I found out." Everything got quiet after that, the two just held each other and took in one anothers body heat.

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