Mickey's couch

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Kermit stayed on Mickey's couch that night, waking up at 5:00 in the morning. His body had what he called a natural alarm. Even when he didn't work, he always woke up around 5:00ish he would never be able to get back to bed.

Kermit looked at the empty pizza box on the ground, clinging to the dirty and stiff blanket Mickey had given him the night prior. The apartment was freezing! Kermit wondered how Mickey could live like this, Kermit could barely stand trash on the floor. Kermit was too tired to get up though, so he just sat back and tried to go back to sleep.

His body was consumed by his anxiety, he hated unfamiliar things, yet alone waking up somewhere new. He looked at the ceiling, contemplating what he was even doing here. 3 days just got extended by however long it took Mickey to get better.

It was crazy how much an unknown number could get on Kermit's nerves. In truth, Kermit didn't want to be alone. He was slowly getting fond of Mickey, wanting to see him get better. Kermit used to volunteer at animal shelters a lot as a kid, he never had the time anymore with work.

His boss worked him like a dog, he barely had time for himself. His thrill when he left was like LSD to him. He needed that mental high since he was at an all time low. He liked how he felt around Mickey; Mickey made him feel like he was his own person.

Kermit always lived for the people around him. He scored high on tests in elementary school to please his mothers, which would fall flat when he got older and couldn't persevere through the simplest tasks if he had failed at them even once. It didn't help that around that time he learned something about himself.

TV always taught him boys love girls and girls loved boys. He had two gay mothers, so he knew very well that it was okay for two girls to love each other, but a deep hidden anger made him hate seeing two men together.

Kermit desired to be with a man, to kiss a dark and handsome stranger, to maybe even inappropriately touch them. He hated that, he hated how when he confessed to his first gay crush that he got outed and was made a laughingstock by his peers.

He hated his feelings, so he blamed gays instead of his harassers. He blamed his longing to kiss boys on the media. He actively avoided anything that portrayed two men in a sexual or romantic relationship and would scoff at any men who actively showed their pride and true selves.

He hated himself because others hated him. At a young age homophobia was thrown at him and he took it to heart.

He grew out of his internalized homophobia, it wasn't that he hated the gays in the first place, he just hated himself. He would lay in bed at night, wondering if any man would ever love him. Kermit felt worthless, but not around Mickey. He liked not feeling awful for once, so he wanted to do something bold. Kermit was getting cold, so he had an idea on what he would do.

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