Chapter Two: The Nature of Greatness

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Relma and Estela did not enter Gel Carn at once; they had someone to meet on the way. So, instead, they stopped by a large house that stood just outside the walls. It was surrounded by a large, well-made fence with a grown garden. Aunt Pan was in the front yard, painting runes. She'd never liked dwelling in the castles, so Relma had to live outside. She wore simple brown robes, and her dark hair fell around her majestically as always.

Despite her simple garb, she looked rather like a Princess or Queen.

Relma actually didn't mind this; stone walls had terrible insulation. And all the servants made her feel awkward. Especially when Steward Benarus had suggested they become permenant honored guests. Yes, Relma wanted to be king of Harlenor Reunited, but she didn't like the gold and jewels, so to speak.

It was the power to help people that appealed to her.

Aunt Pan's canvases were leather pieces, and she did not look up at once as they came. Pan finished her work with a look of concentration. Then she looked at them. "So you've returned at last, have you, Estela?"

"Yes," said Estela.

"Did you learn anything worthwhile?" asked Aunt Pan.

Estela considered it. "Possibly."

"Well, then the war might not have been a complete waste," said Pan. "Relma, I see you've come back also."

"Yes, Aunt Pan," said Relma. "Um, did Ajax come through here?"

"No," said Pan. "I thought he was with you."

"Why were you spending time with Ajax?" asked Estela.

"I've been teaching him swordplay," said Relma.

"Well then, I'm sure he'll end up dead if he ever tries to fight with a sword," Estela sighed.

"Hey, I've gotten a lot better," said Relma.

"You've lost every fight you've ever been in," said Estela.

"You lost to Ajax too," said Relma, looking away. "And the first one, I didn't even have a sword."

"Fine, fine," said Estela. "Lady Pandora, Relma tells me there will be a tournament here. Is that true?"

"Yes," said Aunt Pan. "Argath Marn's raids have provided Gel Carn with an influx of money. Benarus is using this as a chance to draw attention here. There have been several invitations so far. I'm surprised you didn't hear about it."

"We took a route through the wilderness on our way here," said Estela. "We must have missed it."

"Ah, yes. The wilderness," said Pan. Her eyes became far away. "There is a lot of that in Southern Antion these days."

"Is something wrong, Aunt Pan?" asked Relma.

"I just remembered how it used to be. There used to be villages and castles all across that area," said Pan, a sad smile coming to her face. "You couldn't walk a mile without coming to a farmstead."

"What happened?" asked Estela, looking interested.

"Many things," said Pan with a sigh. "Most of them Baltoth's fault. King Anoa IX died in an ambush. There was a great civil war that ravaged the land. The Withering called forth undead. A demonic invasion swept into the southern reaches. Over many years, the area was depopulated.

"Now it is just Southern Antion. This place used to be the heart of Harlenor."

Relma shifted. "I'll rebuild it someday, Aunt Pan," she promised.

"Stop making promises you can't keep, Relma," said Aunt Pan in a tired tone. "It would take generations to repopulate these lands. And Laevian would never allow it." She looked at the rune she'd been working on. "Wonderful, I made one of the marks wrong. I'll have to scrap the whole project."

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