Chapter Twenty-Six: Conspiracy of Vengeance

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William was furious.

He'd had the tournament in hand. He could have won and should have. In skill at arms and strength, he was stronger than Estela. But she had all but cheated, and the crowd had cheered. Nearly a month of desperate labor and battles in the darkest parts of Antion. There had been ceaseless toil healing, and this was how he was repaid?

To be cheated out of rightful victory by that upstart Princess? By all accounts, he'd won the match. But, just as several others had before him, success was stolen from them. And for what? So Escor could go to war on its own people and drive itself more into the ground. Saphra hadn't even watched the last round, either.

All that time coming down here. And the worst part was, Wrynncurth had yet to meet with him. William had come down here to convince him to let go of his vendetta with Tanith, but that had been finished before. More than anything now, William wanted to be back home and resting, his sores gone. A hot, decent meal without any of this excitement.

To see Tanith and his parents again.

But he'd have to make a return journey emptyhanded to do that, and he needed more money. And being a Paladin, he would have to stop by such villages as he had yet to visit on the way here. The plague had to be checked, and the undead numbers in Blackfear curbed more on his way through. Then there was the matter of visiting various Lords. Of ensuring all was well and writing down what was not well.

More danger and useless toil.

All empty-handed because Estela had cheated.

So he paced within his pavilion as Felix stood by, arms crossed and face veiled in shadow. Varsus' guards stood silent outside while Massacre lay belly on the ground. She was eyeing him suspiciously. William felt the chimera guess exactly what he was thinking and feeling. She probably cared little about it, though.

Massacre was a simple creature, though by no means stupid. She'd be content wherever she could get food and music. But William could not play right now. There was an account to settle here. William reached down to scratch Massacre's ears, the lion ones. The chimera rolled onto her belly and made a groaning noise. William began to rub her white belly before remembering he was supposed to be angry.

"We will not let this stand," said William, throwing aside his cloak.

"Bah," said Massacre.

"I should have won that battle. Unfortunately, I did win that battle," said William.

"Bah," said Massacre.

"I know her actions were technically legal, but a technicality is just that," said William. "Not even that. Benarus just looked the other way, like he did with everything in this ridiculous fiasco. At least when it was convenient for him.

"No, no, I will not let it stand like this."

"Bah," said Massacre without sympathy.

"I'll crush her in the melee," said William. "Completely." Why wasn't Felix saying anything? Usually, he was the one who tried to talk him out of things.

"Don't kill anyone," said Felix.

"Of course, I'm not going to kill anyone," said William. "Who do you think I am? Estela?"

"You're angry and bitter," said Felix. "You are in no position to make a plan right now."

"Happily, you don't need to," said a new voice. "I've already taken care of the plans."

William looked up and saw Varsus walking into the tent. His hair was neatly combed, and he smiled. William turned to him. "Varsus, what is it?"

"Estela has shamed our house," said Varsus. "She won her match through trickery rather than legitimate ability.

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