Chapter Twenty-Five: Final Round

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The final round began an hour later when Estela was given a chance to rest and drink water. Relma got her some water personally, and Estela ate some bread and wine cut with water. William, meanwhile, was on the opposite side, kneeling beneath the shade of a tree. His hands were clasped in prayer. Once or twice, Felix approached to whisper into his ear, but Relma did not hear what was said. It had been a tense wait, to say the least. Finally, as Estela tested the weight of her sword, Relma approached her.

"So, do you think you'll be able to beat him?" Relma asked.

"Of course, I can beat him, Relma," said Estela, adjusting her shoulders and tying back her hair. "I'm ready for anything."

"Just be careful, okay," said Relma. "William isn't a pushover."

"I know. He wouldn't have made it to the final round otherwise," said Estela. "Cheer for me, will you?" And taking up her helm, she donned it over her face so only her eyes could be seen from it.

Then she made her way to the stairs and waited. Once again, she did not throw away her cloak. Instead, William stood near her, arms crossed, his shield slung over his back.

"...So, cousin, who do you believe will win?" asked Saphra.

"Gabriel, of course," said Reginald. "House Vortegex is nothing to compare to us. And House Gabriel is our equal."

"That's a bit presumptuous," said Saphra.

"Only if I'm wrong," said Reginald. "If I'm right, it will be prophetic. No one remembers the wrong predictions, only the right ones."

"Being lucky doesn't make you a prophet," said Varsus to one side.

"Would you care to make a bet on that?" asked Reginald.

"If you wish," said Varsus. "Fifty crowns that William defeats her."

"Fifty crowns on William as well," said Saphra.

"...Hang on, I thought I was the one who supported William winning," said Reginald.

"You don't imagine I'd bet against my own kin, do you?" asked Varsus.

"And William is likely to win," said Saphra. "Estela has gone up against weaker fair so far. De Cathe threw the fight out of respect. Garrick was beaten by technicality, and Fayn was probably lower tier.

"William at least won all his matches fairly."

"You sent him into a berserker rage with your scarf," said Reginald.

"I only determined his strategy for my amusement," said Saphra. "It didn't actually give him an unfair advantage. He might have chosen such a strategy anyway. And it did make for such a good show."

"Relma, are you in?" asked Reginald. "We need someone to bet against, or this pool is for nothing."

"Elranor says that gambling is wrong," said Relma. She was trying to be High King, so it seemed like gambling was a bad habit to get into.

"Nor will I take part," said Frederick.

"Ajax, what about you?" asked Reginald.

"I don't have any money," said Ajax. "I hunt for my food and sleep outside. I bathe in rivers. Why would I weigh myself down with the stuff."

"Oh right," said Reginald. "So why did you enter the tournament."

"Glory," said Ajax, voice bitter.

"Splendid," said Saphra. "So we want to take bets, but everyone has decided the same person will win the match."

"A hundred crowns," said a voice.

Relma looked up and saw Ham sitting with his head bowed. "I'll bet a hundred crowns on Estela just to see your faces. Match me, or don't waste my time."

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