Chapter Fourteen: Frederick's Glory

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Relma went looking for Ajax when he stalked off, worried about how things would go for him.

She found him sharpening the sword he had yet to use. His eyes were bloodshot, and his shoulders were shaking. Had he been crying? That didn't seem like him. Fortunately, there was no one around to see.

She put a hand on his shoulder. "Ajax, are you alright?"

"I lost the match. I... how could I lose?" said Ajax.

Relma shifted. "You lost to Ergath."

"I won that fight!" snapped Ajax. "I beat him within an inch of his life and forced him to flee! I just collapsed afterward!" He paused. "And it was different! I am my Father's favored son and was defeated before everyone."

"Garrick more or less cheated," said Relma. "It just happened to not be against the rules."

"It doesn't matter," snapped Ajax. "I've been shamed in front of everyone. Whoever wins this tournament will have their prowess displayed for all to see. And those who are beaten will be humiliated.

"I have been humiliated."

"I'm pretty sure they exaggerated how big this tournament would be, Ajax," said Relma. "The turnout for competition has been a bit underwhelming. Besides, I'm not sure anyone other than you or Frederick could have removed Garrick. You ran into him in the first round because it was just your bad luck." She felt Garrick was one of the most dangerous people in the tournament. Cheating aside.

"It doesn't matter," said Ajax. "I was still knocked out in the first round."

"Well, it was a terrific fight, if that helps," said Relma.

"It doesn't," said Ajax. "Now, leave me alone."

Relma shifted. "Sorry."

And she walked away, feeling bad for him.

She got back to the stands and sat down next to Estela. Her friend looked at Relma in surprise. "Where have you been? The fight is about to start."

"Who is up?" asked Relma, not wanting to answer.

"Varsus," said Estela. "He's fighting against Frederick."

Davian came forward. "Good people from far and wide! Today, we have a battle between new and old! Experience and youth! Human against halfling!

"On the one side, we have an heir of the Gabriel family. A knight who seized ship after ship from the Calishans in war, who could only be held back from the war for the sake of duty! Well, he means to make up for it here! I give you Varsus Gabriel!"

Varsus came forward, wearing a sword and a shield. He wore a helmet that hid most of his features. Then Davian motioned to the other side, where Frederick was clad for war.

"And on the other, we have one of the most famed knights. A brave veteran of the Black Marshes and a dozen other campaigns! A victor of a dozen tournaments! His name is renowned among the Black Watch as a living legend! But does he have what it takes to win the Tournament of Kings?

"I give you, Sir Frederick!"

The cheers were deafening higher, even than they had been during the fight between Ajax and Garrick. "Frederick! Frederick! Frederick! Frederick!" cried many citizens.

"They seem to hold this halfing in high regard," said William.

"Sir Frederick is among the greatest knights of Gel Carn," said Saphra as she filed her fingernails. "Underestimating him wouldn't be smart. He recently removed a large gang of bandits and slew them all singlehanded."

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